(Morning News) The Pentagon said that an American fighter jet shot down a Chinese "spy balloon" on Saturday (February 4th) on Saturday (February 4), which is an end to this dramatic event that has attracted attention to Sino -US relations.Essence

Comprehensive foreign news reports, US President Biden said: "We successfully won it, I want to praise our pilots, they did this,"

Biden said that he had issued an order to win the balloon on Wednesday, but the Pentagon suggested that it can be done until the open water can be done so that the civilians are hit by the fragments of the ground on the ground.

A senior U.S. military official said that multiple fighters and tankers participated in the task, but only one F-22 fighter jet was 2:39 pm on the day (Singapore time 5:39 am)Fit using an AIM-9X supersonic, hot-tracked air-to-air missile.Officials said that the balloon was shot down about 6 nautical miles away from the United States coast. On a relatively shallow water, it may help find key components of Chinese monitoring equipment from the wreckage in the next few days.

In order to carry out this plan, the US government earlier ordered the three airports of three airports in South Carolina-Wilmington, Momatt Beach and Charlston-"National Security Work".These flights resumed on Saturday afternoon.

The balloon entered the United States for the first time on January 28, and then entered Canada on January 30.A US Department of Defense officials said the balloon then entered the United States on January 31.Once it crosses the US land, it does not return to open waters, which makes it difficult to shoot down.

U.S. officials did not disclose the balloon over the United States until February 2.

A U.S. official said that Washington claimed that this was a "obvious violation" for the United States sovereignty and informed China to China on Saturday (February 4).US Secretary of Defense Austin first announced this shot, saying that China is using this balloon to "try to monitor the strategic location of the United States."

A Reuters photographer who witnessed the shot process said that a airflow sprayed out of a jet and hit the balloon, but no explosion occurred.The photographer said the balloon began to decline.

This balloon incident prompted U.S. Secretary of State Brosky to postpone this week's visit to China.