Japanese media reported that Japan will implement export control on cutting -edge semiconductor technology as soon as April this year.After the startup is started, it is expected to have a certain impact on the export industry of major semiconductor equipment in Japan.It is generally expected that China may also take countermeasures.

Nikkei News pointed out that the United States Biden government issued a prohibited technology product from the United States from exporting to China in October last year.Military forces continue to improve.To prevent China's military processes, the United States must win the production of artificial intelligence chip manufacturers with high -speed processing of high -speed processing.

The United States recruited Japan and the Netherlands with advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment in November last year.On the 27th of last month, at the work conference in Washington, the United States officially asked Japan and the Netherlands to take the same control measures and reach an agreement.

Minister of Economic and Industry Nishimura Kangyu said after attending this meeting that Japan will take appropriate response policies in accordance with the control trend of various countries.

The Nikkei reports that the United States takes cutting -edge semiconductor technology below 14 nanometers as the main control object.Japanese officials are also preparing to formulate export control regulations in this direction.

Sources said that Japan's "Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law", which is used to control weapons and military use component products, will become the regulations on semiconductor exports.Officials will require some semiconductor products and technology exports to be reported, and only after being approved by the Minister of Economy and Industry.

According to news, because of considering that China might be countercroof in Chinese companies, the official control measures will not be named for China.

Japan's semiconductor manufacturing equipment is a growth industry. The sales in 2021 increased by 51%over the previous year, with total sales of 2.97 trillion yen (about S $ 30 billion).Tokyo Electronics is expected to be most likely affected by new export control.

This world's fourth largest semiconductor equipment manufacturer, about a quarter of sales depends on China.

Tokyo Electronics CEO Kawa Tree recently expressed the voice of Japanese companies to "maintain the status quo".He said: "As an enterprise, I can't comment on geopolitics. However, in order to protect the interests of customers and shareholders, I hope that the risk of official control and control will not affect us."