(Morning News) U.S. officials said that the wreckage of high altitude balloons shot down in the Atlantic of the Air Force for analysis of intelligence experts, and there is no plan to return the wreckage to Beijing.

Agence France -Presse reported that the U.S. National Security Council spokesman Kobe Monday (February 6) said two days after a U.S. fighter shot down the air ball: "They have picked up some residual objects from the sea, and the weather is the weather, and the weatherThe conditions are not allowed to perform too much underwater surveillance on the fragments. "

Kobe said that American personnel will "better observe the underwater situation in the next few days to the sea."

China claims that the hot air balloon is a meteorological observation machine without military use, but the United States calls it a precise high -altitude spy machine.

Grandhek, commander of the Northern Command of the United States, told reporters that a naval ship is drawing a map of the fragmented scene with a size of about 1500 by 1500 meters.

He said that the balloon itself is 200 feet (60 meters), and the effective load weighs thousands of pounds, which is roughly equivalent to the size of the regional civil aviation aircraft.

It is reported that after crossing the United States slowly, the balloon flew over several secret military bases, and then flew to the east coast. President Bayeng ordered the Air Force to shoot it down.