(New York Comprehensive News) Chinese balloon fly over the United States . In fact, in fact,The national government has used high -altitude balloon reconnaissance or collection of information for more than 100 years.

Monitoring the balloon is most often used in the war.During the American Civil War, both sides of the war used to use the balloon. For example, the balloon tied to the ship to observe the movement of the troops. It was the first time that the United States had organized a balloon for military reconnaissance activities.

However, due to logistics problems, both sides abandon the use of balloons in the middle of the war.

During the First World War, the hydrogen balloon played a vital role, including assisting the guidance of artillery fire, the movement of the reconnaissance forces, and the enemy's position. As a result, these balloons became the key attack target.Due to the often escape, the operator on the balloon became the earliest group of people using parachute.

During World War II, Japan "attacked" the United States to put 9000 balloons fly over the Pacific

During World War II, Japan released 9,000 balloons with bombs flying over the Pacific Ocean to the United States, but did not hit any military goals.In May 1945, six civilians in Oregon were killed when a balloon bomb accidentally discovered a balloon bomb.

During World War II, the United States also used ropeless airships called K-Ship in Europe for reconnaissance and attacks, which is an important part of anti-submarine war.

On the day of Normandy, the 320 barrage balloon camp in the United States became the first barrage balloon camp to land in France.Barrage Balloon is a large unmanned balloon. Its cables constitute a danger to enemy fighters, forcing them to fly higher, thereby weakening the threat of shooting and bombing.

After the end of World War II, the U.S. military used high altitude to monitor balloons to detect Soviet and Eastern European territory.

By this century, monitoring balloons are generally equipped with cameras and sensors.During the Afghanistan war, the United States used a local monitoring balloon called Aerostat locally. This balloon was first used in Iraq in 2004. The United States also used it to monitor the southern border.

In March 2012, American soldier Robert Bales killed 16 civilians in Kandaha, Afghanistan, and the video of monitoring balloon shooting became evidence.