A F22 fighter in the United States fired AIM-9X Skimon Air-to-air missiles at 3:39 am on Singapore on Singapore, and shot down China high-air reconnaissance at about six sea miles from South Carolina Coastlineballoon.Scholars of interviewees believe that the negative impact of balloon events is inevitable, and Sino -US relations may enter a vicious circle in the short term.

China's giant balloon, which flutters over the United States for many days and triggers Sino -US relations again, was shot down by the US fighter aircraft on Saturday (February 4th) local time; Beijing accused Washington for using "obvious excessive response", and said "Reserve the right to make further necessary reactions. "

The balloon incident is shadowed by Sino -US relations that first sees the dawn.Scholars of interviewees pointed out that the United States' discussions on China as a security threat will be further strengthened because of the incident.

The US Minister of Defense Austin issued a statement on Saturday saying that the US fighter aircraft on the coastal area above the South Carolina, which shot down China's high -altitude reconnaissance gas balloon.

Statement pointed out that China uses this balloon to try to detect the strategic point of the United States. The American shot down the balloon is a "cautious and legal action", which effectively responds to China's "unacceptable violations" of the United States.

U.S. President Biden praised the pilot who shot down the balloon during the media interview with the media in Maryland and revealed that he ordered the balloon as soon as possible on Wednesday (February 1).Do so to prevent the civilian of the civilian when the airball fragments fall from the high altitude.

According to the New York Times, the balloon was shot down at about six nautical miles from South Carolina coastline at 2:39 pm (Singapore Sunday time at 3:39 am Sunday time at 3:39 am).With the support of multiple fighters, an F22 fighter fighter launched AIM-9X Slanged snake air-to-air missiles, hitting a balloon flying at 60,000 feet to 65,000 feet high altitude.

The video circulating on the Internet shows that a airflow is sprayed out of a jet, and the balloon began to fall after being hit.

The giant balloon called "unmanned airship" in China entered Alaska on January 28. After one time, it drifted to Canadian airspace. Last Tuesday (January 31) returned to the United States and appeared in MongoliaOver the sensitive military nuclear facilities in Da Laman.

China has disclosed for the first time that the balloon belongs to the company but does not explain which one

After expressing regrets that the balloon entered the United States by mistake on Wednesday (February 3rd), the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on Sunday to express strong dissatisfaction and protests on the American shot to the United States.Seriously violated international practice. "

Statement that the balloon is "enterprise" for the first time, emphasizing that China will "resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of relevant enterprises, while reserving the right to make further necessary reactions."However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman's office did not respond to the inquiries of the media about the media.

Tan Kefei, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, also talked about the incident, saying that "reserved the right to dispose of similar situations to use the necessary means of use."

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that Beijing's response released a signal of threats.With free navigation activities, China may make a stronger response, "this will exacerbate the risk of wipe guns and fire."

The balloon incident has caused US Secretary of State Brillin to postpone the visit of China. It is not clear whether this will trigger another round of mutual revenge in China and the United States.

Drew Thompson, a senior researcher at the National University of Public Policy, Singapore National University, said in an interview that China may upgrade things through other ways, such as detaining U.S. citizens and preventing the United States from exporting to China.Interception of U.S. military aircraft.

After the balloon fell, the U.S. Navy and the Coast Guard ship started searching in related waters, and the recovered wreckage will be sent to the laboratory for analysis.Li Mingjiang pointed out that if the equipment on the balloon involves military reconnaissance, the negative impact on Sino -US relations will be even greater.

He believes that the balloon incident will inevitably strengthen the Chinese hawk's Chinese security threat exposition. Whether the balloon is equipped with military reconnaissance equipment, the negative impact is inevitable.

Li Mingjiang said: "China and the United States have originally willing to stabilize bilateral relations in the near future, but this incident has obviously reversed these positive interaction. I am afraid that Sino -US relations will enter a vicious circle in the short term."

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