(Washington / Ottawa Comprehensive News) American security experts believe that the suspected spy balloon that appears over the United States seems to marked a more aggressive spy strategy than relying on satellites or industrial and defensive theft, but it is also puzzlingAnd clumsy.

According to Reuters, both China and the United States have used monitoring satellites for decades to monitor each other from the air, but the Chinese balloon incident makes some people in the beauty of being confused.

John Bolton, a former White House national security adviser, said: "To some extent, this is a more amateur. Is the camera clarity in their satellites not high enough, so do they have to send a balloon?"

In the context of China's enhanced military capabilities and challenging the United States, in the context of the Pacific military existence, the balloon incident caused a stir.

Seems deliberately provoking testing the US response

Cheng Bin, a senior consultant of the US Institute of Peace, believes that this balloon seems to have a deliberate provocation.

Cheng Bin said: "This is a way to test how the other party responds, but it is not in the military sense. However, how do you deal with it at the political level? Do you keep silent? If in fact, it has occurred many times.This extends an interesting question. How is the previous result? Have we hit them? "

Mike Rounds, a member of the United States Senate Military Commission, told Fox News that it is best to get a balloon to see if it is really used to collect data.Our reaction ability ".

Urban Sky co -founder Andrew Antonio, co -founder of Urban Sky, said that high -air balloon rely on the long -distance itinerary is in the most unfavorable situation in winter, which means that China may not intend to targetAny specific location in the United States.

Antonio said: "To launch balloons from China in January or February, it is very difficult to achieve a military base in the northern hemisphere."It may be due to the failure of the experiment, or the failure of its self -end system.

On the other hand, the US Pentagon also issued a statement on Friday night that another Chinese balloon was found over Latin America.

According to the Canadian TV media CTV, in addition to the balloon found in the United States, at least four other balloons from China flew over other countries, including the one found in Latin America.

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