Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the UAE has been taking steel wires between Washington and Moscow. When the world order towards multiple poles, the UAE chose to maintain neutrality.

(Abu Dhabi) The outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war is about to reach the first anniversary. In addition to increasing the killing of the Russian economy, the United States also pressures the Middle East allies and clarified to them to help Moscow escape sanctions.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Finance Nelson, who is responsible for terrorism and financial information, visited the UAE last week, urging the UAE to promise to take additional actions against people who escape or assist Russia to evade sanctions, otherwiseThe opportunity to investigate illegal financing and loses the opportunity to enter the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) market.

The United States has previously called on the Middle East allies not to support Russia in the Russian and Ukraine War, but it is rare for publicly to take action on intimate allies such as the UAE.

Acknowledging the sanctions, compliance and risks of the Anti -Money Laundering Association (ACAMS), Global Supervisor Walker, told the United States CNN (CNN): "The US move is to convey information to the Middle East, indicating that the seriousness of these sanctions. The United States is basically saying that if you want to do business with Russia, then you go, but you cannot do business with us at the same time. "

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the UAE has been taking steel wires between Washington and Moscow. As the world order moves to polarization, the UAE has chosen to maintain neutrality.

The UAE's position has made it the first choice for Russian investors in Arab destinations. Russians have poured into Dubai and Abu Dhabi for production, which has stimulated the UAE's real estate market.

The United States imposed sanctions on the Emirates and individuals on the grounds of evasion of sanctions. Not long ago, Washington also sanctioned two aviation transportation companies headquartered in the UAE because these two companies cooperated with a sanctioned Iranian company.Shun the Iranian drone, personnel and related equipment to Russia.

UAE scholars: The ownership of various countries does not comply with US sanctions

Russia has been sanctioned by the United States, Britain and the European Union after invasion of Ukraine, but most of them are primary sanctions, that is, it is only applicable to the implementation of sanctions.This means that if a Russian bank is under primary sanctions in the United States, it cannot conduct business in the US market, but it can still cooperate with the UAE or Turkish banks.

State sanctioning countries usually find vulnerabilities and carry out business abroad to continue survival.Washington fills this loophole by imposing second -level sanctions, and punish all parties that punish business activities with the sanction entities, even if related activities occur outside the United States.

This kind of sanctions force many countries and entities to make choices between the sanctions countries or the United States, but cannot choose the two at the same time.

A senior official in the United States said that the United States "will continue to use our power and all the tools that can be used to combat the evasion of the Putin War machine."

Asked whether the United States demanded that the UAE's crackdown on business exchanges with Russia is equivalent to the official denied that the official was denied when the second -level sanctions were imposed on Russia.

In response to the warning of the United States about the opportunity to enter the G7 market, Abdul Calek, a professor of Politics in the UAE, said: "We are providing many services for Americans. They should thank us insteadIt is the US sanctions. They are not UN sanctions, so countries can choose whether to comply. We have business exchanges with different countries with 190 countries. Russia is just one of them. "