A spy balloon expert at the US strategic think tank said that Chinese balloon looks like a weather balloon, but it has some characteristics, such as a considerable "valid load", which is placed for used for it for used for it.The electronic equipment that guides and collects information is powered by large solar panels.

(Washington Composite Electric) Chinese balloon appears over the United States, causing many speculations.American experts pointed out on Friday (February 3) that the Pentagon's monitoring balloon found in the United States may be guided by advanced artificial intelligence technology.

A spy -ball expert William Kim said to Agence France -Presse, a spy balloon expert at the US strategic think tank "Marathon Initiative" that the balloon is a useful observation method and it is difficult to be shot down.An official told the US Broadcasting Corporation News Desk that there were about three public buses in this Chinese balloon.

William said that Chinese balloon looks like a meteorological balloon, but has some characteristics. For example, it has a considerable "valid load" (Payload ", placed electronic equipment for guiding and collecting information, and is large solar energy.Power supply.It also seems to have advanced steering technology that the U.S. military has not yet used.

He said that the recent progress of artificial intelligence allows the balloon to adjust the height by reading the changes in the surrounding air and go to its destination.In the process, it may also need to receive the guidance of the radio communication base.

He pointed out that satellites are becoming more and more likely to be attacked from the earth and space, and balloons have obvious advantages.In addition, balloons can easily avoid radar reconnaissance.Compared with the spy agencies using a satellite camera that continuously runs around the track, the balloon can stay above the monitoring target for several months.

As for whether Chinese balloon will accidentally enter the United States, William believes that this is possible.This type of balloon usually runs from 65,000 feet to 100,000 feet, while the balloon found in the territory is about 46,000 feet."This height must be a bit low ... If you want it to be more difficult to discover and be shot down, then you should run at a higher level."

He pointed out that it is not easy to shoot down the balloon, even if it is shot, the gas is very slowly leaked.In 1998, Canada sent a fighter to try to shock a meteorological balloon, but the balloon landed six days later.

Experts familiar with the inside story say that monitoring balloons may be used by China to observe the US military location or test the anti -reconnaissance capabilities of the United States.

Analyst: The balloon must be found to show Beijing Mingmu's boldness

Morris, a senior researcher at the China Analysis Center of the Asian Association Policy Research Institute, said: "Because it may not have any official marks, Beijing may think it can play a beyond card."Essence

However, some analysts believe that the balloon that will definitely be found will definitely be discovered, showing Beijing's eyes.

Crooning, the person in charge of the Asia -Pacific security issue of the Hudson Institute, said Beijing's satellites have been monitoring the intercontinental ballistic missile field and other strategic bases. It seems that the use of balloons is superfluous.He believes that China may want to attract American attention with psychological tactics when the US Secretary of State Brillings meet with Chinese officials, so as to send a message -before the tension is out of control, the United States should give up support for Taiwan and promote defense activities in Asia."

also pointed out that the unexpectedly occurring balloon will give the United States without time to hide assets that want to keep secret, and monitoring balloons usually have infrared sensors, which can provide different information from satellites.