(Washington Composite Electric) It is reported that the Bayeng government plans to remove some Chinese companies that have never been verified, which shows that China and the United States have restored their cooperation to a certain extent.

Reuters on Wednesday (December 14) quoted unknown U.S. officials that China showed greater willingness to allow the United States to conduct field inspections, which is the key to prompting the United States to decide to move some Chinese enterprises out of this list.This means that before the supply of US exporters to these companies, there is no need to conduct additional due diligence.

The United States includes companies in the list of unpacking because it is impossible to determine that these companies will not abuse the sensitive technologies of US exports through field inspections.

According to the new regulations issued in October, if the government's government prevented U.S. officials from conducting field inspections on the list of companies on the list, the United States can include these companies in the entity list 60 days after 60 days, and impose more severe sanctions on them.

It is reported that the United States's move shows that China and the United States have re -launched cooperation when they continue to fall into fierce trade with scientific and technological warfare, but this may not be a sign of thawing more extensive relations between the two countries.

It is also reported that the United States is expected to include China Storage chip manufacturer Changjiang Storage Technology Co., Ltd. (YMTC) as soon as the fastest this week, which limits it to purchase parts from the United States.

On the other hand, the United States Senate passed the same on Wednesday that mobile phones and other devices distributed by the government were prohibited from using Chinese video applications TIKTOK.

Holy, a Republican member of this bill, said: "Tiktok is the Trojan of the Chinese government. This constitutes a major security risk for the United States. Before it is forced to completely cut off the relationship with China, it must not be used in the government.On the equipment. "

Chrustifer Lei, director of the Federal Investigation Bureau, told the House of Resources and Safety of the House last month that the Chinese government may use Tiktok to control the data or software of millions of users, or it may use it to launch influence operations.

This bill must be approved in the House of Representatives before it can be submitted to President Biden to sign the effect.