Patriot system helps to resist the large -scale drone and missile attacks launched by the Russian army to frequently launched Ukraine energy infrastructure.Wendeman, a retired army in the White House Ukrainian policy, said that these systems can help Ukraines to respond to many different challenges, especially if the Russians (from Iran) introduce short -range ballistic missiles.

(Washington / Kiev Comprehensive Television) It is reported that the Bayeng government in the United States is preparing to provide Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine, and it may be announced as soon as Thursday (December 15).Russia warns that these systems will be the legal goal of Russia against Ukraine's military strikes.

The United States CNN (CNN) quoted US officials on Tuesday (December 13) that the United States is finalizing a plan to send the patriotic missile defense system to Ukraine.The Defense Minister Austin was expected to approve the plan and subsequently submitted it to President Biden to sign the implementation.According to Reuters quoted, the United States may announce the provision of Patriot system to Ukraine as soon as possible.

Ukraine has obtained various air defense systems provided by Western allies, but the Patriot system is regarded as one of the most advanced air defense equipment, which helps to resist the large -scale drone and the large -scale drone and the Russian army to frequently launch the Ukrainian energy infrastructureMissile attack.

Alexander Vindman, who was responsible for the White House Ukrainian policy, said that it was very important to get this system for Kiev."These systems can help Ukraines respond to many different challenges, especially if the Russians (from Iran) introduce short -range ballistic missiles."

The United States with a Patriot system for Ukraine is likely to be regarded by Russia as an upgrade.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov warned on Wednesday (14th) that if the United States sent the patriot system to Ukraine, these systems "affirmation" will become the target of the Russian army.

Ukraine appeals to the withdrawal of any relevant proposals before Christmas

For the Ukrainian President Zendiski recently called on Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine before Christmas, as the first step towards a peace agreement, the Kremlin responded that Russia did not receive any proposal about "Christmas cease".Essence

Russia launched a large -scale drone attack on Wednesday of the Ukraine capital Kiev.A spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force said that the Russian army chose to do it when it was dark, but the Ukraine air defense system worked and shot down 13 drones.

Kilikkko, Mayor of Kiev, said that two administrative buildings were damaged in the central part of Kiev, but it was not mentioned whether there were personnel casualties.Ukrainian grid operator Ukrenergo said the attack did not cause any energy infrastructure to be damaged.

Recently, Russia has continuously bombarded Ukrainian energy and other civilian infrastructure, making many Ukrainians face the dilemma of lack of water and electricity in winter.The Ukraine said earlier on Wednesday that the Russian army launched an air strike and 11 missile attacks on Halkov, Donetsk and Zaparo in the past 24 hours, three of which were targeted at civil infrastructure.

Zelei Sky urging New Zealand to help Wuwu to clear the landmine to make the environment safe

France hosted an international conference that raised emergency assistance for Ukraine on Wednesday. About 70 countries and institutions promised to provide more than 1 billion euros (about 1.4 billion yuan) assistance at the meeting.

In addition, Zelei said on Wednesday to make a video speech to the New Zealand Parliament that the Russian and Ukraine War was a "ecological extinction" and urged New Zealand to take the lead to help Ukraine clear land mines and restore environmental safety.He pointed out that Ukraine's land that was contaminated with mines and unpolluted ammunition had reached 174,000 square kilometers, equivalent to the land area of Cambodia, Syria or Uruguay.

New Zealand Prime Minister Adon said New Zealand is willing to assist Ukraine's environmental cleanup and reconstruction, and announced that it will provide additional $ 2 million humanitarian assistance to assist Ukraine through the cold winter.