(Morning News) The World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday (December 15) that China has officially sued the WTO's export restrictions on Chinese chips in the WTO.

The Ministry of Commerce of China has announced earlier this week that it will filed a lawsuit with the WTO, accusing the United States of restricting measures to "threaten the stability of the global industrial supply chain."

The U.S. government released the Federal Gazette on Thursday to bring the Chinese memory chip manufacturer Changjiang Storage Technology Co., Ltd. (YMTC) and 21 Chinese artificial intelligence chip entities included in the blacklist of trade , expanding its crackdown on the Chinese chip industry.

The Assistant Minister of the US Department of Commerce, Kentler, said in a statement that given the obstacles between the Chinese government's seek to eliminate military and civilian sectors, "in order to protect the national security interests of the United States, we must take decisive action, Refuse to let China get advanced technology. "