The former White House and the current senior officials actively evaluated the first face -to -face meeting of Sino -US leaders for three years in three years.Dai Qi, a US trade representative, evaluated this meeting very important, and issued a strong signal that the two heads of state can control the extremely complex bilateral relations.Former US Secretary of State Kissinger also believes that the meeting has communicated with the two major economies in the world.

U.S. President Biden and China's official Monday (November 14) held more than three hours of meeting in Bali Island.This is the first face -to -face meeting with Chinese officials after Bayeng came to power last January. It was also the first interaction between the two countries after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the end of the US midterm election.

Daiqi attended the Bloomberg Innovation Economic Forum held in Singapore on Tuesday, saying that he was very happy to hold the Sino -US dollar meeting. "((This) is a very good thing and it is also very important."

Daiqi said that from the photos of the two leaders greeting each other and standing together, the physical language of the two sides is very powerful, "it can be seen that there is a sense of familiarity between them;And comfort. "She believes that this is a strong signal to other countries in the world, that is, China and the United States have the ability to deal with extremely complex bilateral relations.

During the presidential presidential campaign, he repeatedly mentioned that he had already interspersed with Chinese officials. After he came to power, he also expressed his understanding of Chinese officials in an American media visit.During the Vice President, he had a personal contact with him for 67 hours, and he walked 17,000 miles with him (more than 27,000 kilometers).

Daiqi evaluated that one of the biggest gains of the Xi -Malaysian meeting was that the Capital Capital of the Chinese and US dollars instructed their teams to continue to communicate; she was looking forward to the conversation with Beijing with Beijing on the basis of public and frank dialogue.

However, Daiqi did not show concessions on tariff issues on Tuesday.She said that the tariffs levied continued to exist because China's non -market economy was still there, including intellectual property violations, forced technology transfer, etc. The United States has always been in contact with China. "We have not found a solution, but we will knowContinue (pressing pressure on China).

After Bayeng entered the White House, it basically followed the Trump administration's policy of trade with China to maintain 7.5 % to 25 % of Chinese goods worth approximately 370 billion US dollars ($ 506.6 billion) during the 2018 trade war period.At the same time, tariffs are regarded as bargaining chips with bargaining China.

When he was asked whether he would visit China with the Secretary of State Bollingin, Dai Qi said he had not received an invitation.

Kissinger: Open "bridge work"

99 -year -old Kissinger attended the Bloomberg Forum on Tuesday, and praised the Sino -US dollar meeting a day ago.Global economy and other fields have resumed cooperation.

He said that after a brief meeting in Bali, the two leaders will understand that if the situation is out of control, the economic disaster and military consequences may bring.

Kissinger evaluates: "At least we can say today that the two sides have agreed to discuss each other and publish a general statement that cooperates with the world, but there will be a long way to go in the future."

Wang Qishan: I hope that the United States and the middle will do it.

Wang Qishan, Vice President of China, also delivered a keynote speech on the Bloomberg Forum with a video, pointing out that China and the United States have two benefits and two injuries. They should also explore the correct way to get along with the new era of the two countries.He expressed his hope that the United States and China would be in line with China and promote the return of the two countries to return to the correct track.

Wang Qishan also reiterated that China will never dominate, do not engage in expansion, and advocate justice and oppose domineering.

He promises that China will continue to deepen high levels of openness, unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, and will also adhere to the direction of economic globalization, implement more active, larger, wider areas, and deeper openness.

Wang Qishan pointed out that the political policy of Chinese party and government will remain highly continuous and inject more certainty and stability into the world.