(Washington Composite Electric) Former US President Trump will officially announce the running for president in 2024 on Tuesday time (November 15) at 9 pm (November 15) in the United States.However, the Republican Party's performance in the midterm elections is not as good as expected, and some of Trump's attacks have begun to publicly criticize him.

Trump's (76 -year -old) consultant Miller said: "Trump will announce the president again on Tuesday." Trump has notified the media to interview his mansion in Florida.

This mid -term election, the "red wave" expected by the Republican Party has not appeared, and the Democratic Party continues to control the Senate.In the unreasonable House of Representatives, the Republican Party seemed to barely maintain a weak majority.

This situation encourages the Republicans who are dissatisfied with Trump.Hogan, Governor of the Maryland Republican governor who has always criticized Trump, pointed out that Trump has three consecutive times that the Republican Party has lost the election."This is basically Trump's third consecutive election for us to lose the game, just like the three hits of the baseball game, you will go out."

Democratic candidate Ajila, a Democratic party who defeats Republican opponents and elected a Secretary of State in Nevada, believes that his victory shows that the American people have been tired of political confusion, and the Republican Party has repeatedly refused to accept the year after Trump's defeat.The result of the presidential election.Agilla said: "Voters are disgusted with chaos, and the disruption is not good."

Data from the Breonan Judicial Center at New York University show that Republican candidates who do not want to accept the election results have been lagging behind other party candidates in the campaign.

Blunnan Election and Government Planning Senior Researcher Nondon said: "This shows that American voters understand the interest relationship and stand firmly on the side of freedom and fair elections."

Bayeng told the media on Monday in Bali, Indonesia that the US midterm election reflects the power and toughness of the US democracy and refutes all the so -called "elections denied" of the cheating of the presidential election in 2020.

Trump was elected president in 2016, and the Republican Party also controlled the two hospitals.However, the Democratic Party re -controlled the House of Representatives in the mid -2018 election. Trump sought re -election in 2020, but lost to Biden.In early January of last year, the Capitol Mountain disruption incident, Trump's large number of supporters rushed into the parliament building to try to prevent Congress from certifying the victory of Biden.Trump still refuses to admit defeat.

As for Biden, who is about to celebrate his 80th birthday a few days later, he is currently facing a difficult choice for seeking re -election.

The New York Times reported that polls show that although Biden is not popular, his support rate is still higher than Trump, and the Democratic Party has no other candidates who can rest assured.Many Democratic Party workers believe that even if Vice President Harris runs, there is no chance of winning.

Bayeng said last week that he "planned" to seek re -election, but would discuss with his family during the holidays and announced his decision early next year.It is estimated that Biden should publish the National Consultation in February next year before it is announced whether it will be to the White House for the second time.