The Financial Times reported that in order to strengthen the emergency plan, the US State Department has shared the research report on the Taiwan Strait conflict with partners and allies.The report predicts that once the conflict occurs, the supply chain of the semiconductor of cars, servers and personal computers, and mobile phones will be severely damaged.

(Brussels News) The United States reminds European countries that the Taiwan Strait conflict will cause a global economic shock, and Europe and the United States must accelerate the formulation of emergency plans for this.

The Financial Times reported that there are increasing concerns about military operations in the Indo -Pacific region. In order to strengthen emergency plans, the US State Department has shared research reports with partners and allies.

If mainland China blocks Taiwan's annual economic loss of 3.5 trillion yuan

The British Financial Times reported on Friday (November 11) that six people who learned about the research company Rhodium Group were commissioned by the investigation that the Rongding Group research report shared by the US State Department and partners and allies estimated that the Rongding Group shared by the US State Department and partners and allies.If the mainland blocks Taiwan, it will cause about 2.5 trillion US dollars (nearly S $ 3.5 trillion) economic losses each year.

The United States and partners have begun to consider how to impose sanctions on China if the mainland takes any military operations on Taiwan. The United States manages this report to emphasize the European Union Commission and the European governments of Europe that Taiwan conflicts will have a significant impact on them.

According to two officials, the United States and the European Union have begun to discuss how to prepare for possible Taiwan Strait conflicts.Financial Times reported earlier this year that the United States and the United Kingdom have discussed the emergency plan of conflict for the first time.

Two people who know the content of the discussion in Europe and the United States say that some officials believe that formulating emergency plans and disclosure can be used as one of the strategies that scare China.

Some European and American officials believe that the conflict between Taiwan may cause huge losses to the global economy, so it is necessary to strive for the support of the international community to curb China.The United States also took the invasion of Ukraine in February this year as an example, emphasizing that it is necessary to consider emergencies.

The US State Department refused to comment on the report.A spokesman said that the United States will support Taiwan "a long -term Chinese policy".

EU senior officials: The United States released the Russian army to gather Ukrainian border intelligence last year

A senior EU officials shared the report with the European allies and compared with the United States' information that the Russian army gathered near the Ukraine border last year.At that time, some European countries did not believe that Russia would invade Ukraine.Officials added: "We have learned lessons from it."


report pointed out that if a conflict occurs, Taiwan will suffer the most serious blow, and the Chinese economy will be greatly impacted, and the consequences will affect the global economy.The report said that Southeast Asia will suffer serious economic losses.

The report predicts that in terms of industries, the supply chain of the semiconductor of automobiles, servers and personal computers and mobile phones will suffer the most serious damage.

This report warns that once Beijing conflicts with Taiwan, the trade and financing of Chinese enterprises will be exhausted and a serious impact on global trade.The report also said that China has its importance as an economic partner of a developing country. Such a impact may cause more than a dozen emerging economies to fall into an economic crisis.