(Nudasha Da Da La Laoten) Europe will contact China, but it must be re -balanced to avoid too dependence on China in the fields of innovative technology.

The President of the European Council Michelle believes that the first meeting of the China -US dollar is important and positive, because China and the United States "can compete with options, rather than systematically conflict."

Michelle Tuesday (November 15) attended a press conference before the G20 meeting in Bali Island, saying that despite the differences in Europe and China, Europe will still be in contact with China because "It is important to listen to each other's opinions and form a better understanding. "

However, when dealing with China, it is necessary to avoid the same errors that rely on Russia's fossil fuels.He said: "For China, we don't want to rely too much to rely on today's needs and more innovative technologies. This is why it is important to re -balance relationships; therefore, it is also important to contact Chinese officials."

G20 leaders held a series of meetings on Bali Island on Tuesday.The host country Indonesia has strongly advocated that although Russia's invasion of Ukraine caused deep division between Western countries and Russia, the G20 should focus on taking action to help the global economic recovery.

Michelle said that Europe must use the G20 meeting to persuade member states to put more pressure on Russia because Russia's aggression against Ukraine has triggered a global energy and food crisis.

Michelle said that official state officials have reached an agreement on the joint declaration text on Monday night, which is a positive development.However, this joint declaration still needs to be recognized by the leaders of member states.