Hermuson's current humanitarian situation is severe, but residents have gone to be free.The residents interviewed said that during the occupation period, the Russian army plundered and destroyed their property, often stopped passers -by search, and killed and abducted civilians, making them feel like "nine months in prison."

(Hermone Comprehensive) Ukrainian President Zemilianski accused the Russian army of committing war and killing civilians in the Uunohlson region, and vowed to ride all the perpetrators.

Zelei Sunday (November 14) made a nationwide speech that, like other occupied areas in Ukraine, the Russian army also committed atrocities in the Hermuson area."Investigators have recorded more than 400 crimes from the Russian war, and found the corpses of the victims of the civilians and soldiers ... We will find and make every murderer to make it."

Zeelianzki's statement failed to be verified, but Russia repeatedly denied intentional killing civilians.

The Russian army left a lot of land Lehlson situation is still very dangerous

Last Friday, after the Russian army evacuated, the Ukraine re -controlled Hermuson's capital of Heruson.Zeleiski said that the official 226 settlements are taking stable measures and will restore basic services such as hydropower supply, transportation, postal, medical care and other basic services as soon as possible.

He also warned that because the Russian army left a lot of mines, the situation of Hermuson was still very dangerous. One of the Ukasum died during the thunder and several soldiers were injured.

Zeleus visited Hermone on Monday and spoke to the Ukraine in the main local square.He said: "We are moving forward. We are ready to welcome peace and peace in the entire country." He especially thanked NATO for its support, saying that the high -motorized multi -tube rocket system (HIMARS) sent by the United States played a great role.Essence

Zelei Siki can hear the sound of shelling at the center of Hermone.After he finished his speech, there was another shelling sound from the city.

The combat headquarters in the South of Ukraine said on Monday that the Russian army continued to fire from the east bank of the Dieber River to the Ukraine region that was liberated.In the East Donetsk and the Lugusk area, the battle is still fierce.

Hermone's current humanitarian situation is severe, but residents have gone to regain freedom.33 -year -old resident Andre said: "I'm very happy, we are finally free. We now have no hydropower, no central heating, no mobile phone signal, no Internet connection ... but there are no Russians."

The residents interviewed said that the Russian army plundered and destroyed their property during the occupation period, often stopped the road searches, and killed and abducted civilians, making them feel like "a nine -month jail."

36 -year -old clothing designer Shapashnikova said that she buried the Ukraine flag into the soil because she was worried about being stared at by the Russian army."If you wear any yellow or blue clothing, you may be shot or brought to the torture room."

The Russian and Ukraine War has entered the ninth month.New Zealand announced on Monday that he would send another 66 military personnel to the United Kingdom to assist in training Ukraine soldiers.

At present, the New Zealand National Defense Force has 120 people in the UK to provide weapons operation and combat emergency training for the Ukraine. They will return to China on November 30.The newly deployed 66 people will be in place on November 30 and stay in the UK until July 31 next year.

New Zealand Defense Minister Hernell reiterated that the New Zealand Defense Force will not enter Ukraine.He also announced that New Zealand will expand to share with European intelligence and send personnel to assist Europe to establish logistics hubs and provide support.

In addition, in response to news that Western is advising Ukraine to restart negotiations with Russia, and the EU's senior representative of Foreign and Security Policy Barley on Monday stated on Monday that when the negotiations should be negotiated, Ukrace should be determined by itself.He said: "How to make decisions in Ukraine. Our responsibility is to support them."