The first face -to -face meeting was held on Monday (November 14), the heads of state of China and the United States, and the US President Biden emphasized twice at a press conference after the meeting that the outside world does not have to worry about the emergence of a new cold war in China and the United States; Chinese officials are meeting in the meeting.China urges China and the United States to establish a dialogue rather than confrontation, win -win rather than zero -sum tone.

The historic "Xi -Malaysia" started at 5:36 in the evening at Muolia Hotel, Bali, Indonesia, lasted 3 hours and 12 minutes.

According to the US White House, Biden reiterated that the competition between China and the United States should not slip to conflict during the meeting, and the two sides should take responsibilities to control competition and maintain communication channels.The leaders of the two countries have also discussed the importance of forming a principle to achieve the above goals, and instructed their respective teams to further explore this issue.

The White House also announced that U.S. Secretary of State Brills will visit China to follow up with the topic of the head of the head of meeting.According to officials, Blint will become early next year.

China official media CCTV news also said that the heads of state of the two countries agreed that the diplomatic team of the two sides maintain strategic communication and conduct regular consultation. The financial team of the two countries will conduct dialogue and coordination on macroeconomic policies, economic and trade and other issues.

However, China and the United States are still complaining on specific issues such as the Taiwan Strait, human rights, non -market economy behaviors, and scientific and technological warfare.Chinese officials also warned that the Taiwan issue was "the first red line of Sino -US relations."