The slow atmosphere The first meeting of China and the United States improves the expectations of external relations on Sino -US relations.Public opinion generally believes that the "Xi -worship" on Monday (November 14) has a significant cooling of Sino -US relations; scholars' analysis, Sino -US relations have entered a periodic period, and the next half a year will be a key window for the establishment of a "protective bar" between the two countries.

The convention of the opposition between China and the United States has an ease and the recovery of the Chinese housing market injects optimism into the market.point.

U.S. President Biden and China's official on Monday held the first face -to -face meeting, China and the United States continued to release signals to improve relations between the two countries.

Bayeng held a press conference on Monday night, and twice emphasized that the outside world does not have to worry about the emergence of a new cold war in China and the United States. The Xinhua News Agency also published the media Q & A of the Chinese and American dollar meeting on Monday night on Monday night.

Wang Yi described that this meeting reached the expected purpose of in -depth communication, clear intention, clearing the red line, preventing conflicts, indicating directions, and discussing cooperation.

He also pointed out that China and the United States have clarified the direction and should prevent the derailment of Sino -US relations from being discharged and out of control. The framework is determined to discuss the establishment of the guidance principle of Sino -US relations together; and the process will be launched.Work focus, maintain dialogue communication, control contradictions and disagreement, promote communication and cooperation, "add positive energy to Sino -US relations and install safety valves."

The response of the outside world to the worship is generally positive.Former Australian Prime Minister Lu Kewen was evaluated during an interview with Bloomberg TV on Tuesday. Sino -US relations have previously started spiral out of control.Tension.

SCOTT Kennedy, an expert in China Strategy and International Research Center, said in a Twitter commented that "Sino -US leaders seem to understand that reducing the isolation of each other should be prioritized.Other countries benefit. "

The risk of new cold war is significantly reduced

Luo Minghui, assistant professor of public policies and global affairs courses in Nanyang University of Science and Technology, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Zaobao. Sino -US relations have entered a periodic period, and the risk of new cold war has been significantly reduced.The U.S. Democratic Party's unexpected performance in the preliminary results of the mid -term elections, and the Chinese officials in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, have made Biden and Chinese officials in a favorable position.Willing and political capital further stabilize bilateral relations.

Although Sino -US relations have eased, the differences between the two sides have not eased the differences around Taiwan.During the meeting, Biden opposed mainland China's coercion and increasingly aggressive actions; Chinese officials emphasized that Taiwan's issue is "the first irreplaceable red line of Sino -US relations."

U.S. Secretary of State Brosky at the end of October criticized Beijing to "want to accelerate the seeking a unified process"; but at a press conference on Monday night, Biden's expression of Taiwan had recovered it. He stated that "does not think China (mainland)There are any urgent attempts to invade Taiwan. "

Luo Minghui pointed out that Biden's cautious wording shows that he seeks to cool down the tension of the China and the United States in the Taiwan Strait and provide room for adjustment to the two parties.Both China and the United States have made great efforts to break through the August House of Representatives Perosi.

The Taiwan election campaign will start in the second half of next year, and the US presidential election will be launched in 2024; Wang Zhisheng, Secretary -General of Taiwan ’s Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association, pointed out that as the top priority of Sino -US relations,It is expected to face another wave of severe challenges in the second half of next year.Whether China and the United States can establish mutual trust and communication channels in the next half -year window period, and establishing effective "protective fences" will be very important.