The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States held a talks with the Director of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Agency in Turkey to warn Russia not to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, so as not to cause the situation to avoid the situation.upgrade.

(Washington Composite Electric) A spokesman for the White House National Security Council said that the Director of the Central Intelligence Bureau Berns Monday (November 14) in the Turkish capital Ankara and the Director of the Russian Intelligence Agency, the director of the Russian Intelligence Agency,A talks warned Russia not to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine, so as not to lead to upgrading the situation.

Reuters reports that since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine war, this is the first face -to -face talks in US -Russian high -level officials.

White House officials said Bernes will convey to the head of the Russian intelligence department to convey the consequences that Russia uses nuclear weapons.

It is reported that Western countries are worried that Russia has detonated "dirty bombs" containing radioactive substances in Ukraine, and then marrys to Ukraine.

The official said, "We have clearly said that we have channels to communicate with Russia to discuss risk management and control issues, especially in the fields of nuclear risk management and strategic stability."

Russian media reported that Turkish President Erdogan spokesman confirmed the meeting.The Kremlin spokesman Peskov said these contacts were conducted at the proposal of the United States, but he refused to disclose the specific content of the talks.

The White House spokesman said that the focus of the two sides was to reduce the risk of the use of nuclear weapons, not negotiating on the Ukrainian war, and Bernus had no intention of discussing and reconcile plans with Russia.

According to a statement issued by the White House National Security Council on Monday, Bernes' talks in Ankara are not to discuss the way to end the Russian and Ukraine War.

White House officials said: "We notified his schedule to Ukraine in advance. Our basic principles are: any affairs about Ukraine cannot be involved in Ukraine."

In contact with Russia's contact with Russia and Ukrainian war is the best candidate

Analysts believe that Bernus is the best candidate to contact Russian officials on the Russian and Ukraine War, because he served as the US ambassador to Russia from 2005 to 2008 before he served as the director of the CIA.Before the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, President Bayndon commissioned Beronus to visit Moscow in November 2021, but failed to stop the Russian army from invading Ukraine. Bernes said that war was a "strategic failure" of Russia.

Russia has repeatedly said that if the territorial integrity is threatened, it will use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine. In the past few months, the United States has warned Russia not to do so.

President Bayeng discussed the Ukrainian war with Chinese officials on Monday in Bali, Indonesia.After the meeting, the United States said that the two leaders agreed that the nuclear war would never be fighting, and they would never win, and emphasized that they opposed the use or threatening of nuclear weapons in Ukraine.Biden also said that the United States will not participate in any negotiations of the Russia -Ukraine War, and everything is determined by Ukraine.

The UN Secretary -General of the Nations of the G20 (G20) summit in Bali Island, Gutres, said: "It is very active to negotiate in the United States and Russia because this is related to the future development of the matter, but the United Nations does not haveParticipate. "

Russia launched missile attacks against Kiev and Northwestern Ukraine

On the other hand, Russia launched a missile attack to Kiev, Ukraine, Lavff, Uunohlson, and Nittomir in the northern city yesterday (November 15), launched a missile attack.

A number of missiles were intercepted by the air defense system over the Kiev. Two of them hit the two five -storey high houses of Kiev, and medical and rescue workers were starting rescue.

Reuters reported that two explosions came out on the same day, and thick smoke was rushed over the city.Kiev official also announced the air strike alert.