(London Composite Electric) British Prime Minister Tellas Demonstrate, Minister of Finance Kwatten, appointed former Foreign Minister Hunter's rod and reversed her economic strategy to withdraw some economic measures.

Tras on Friday (October 14) announced at a press conference that it will retain the plan to increase the company's tax.She said that the government announced some measures for small -scale budget facilities on September 23. "" We have taken further and faster than market expectations, so we must take action now to make the market believe in our fiscal discipline. "

Tellas also said that the growth rate of government expenditures will slow down to reduce the rate of public debt in the medium period.

She said: "We will control expenses to ensure that taxpayers' money is always used. The public sector will provide people with world -class services more efficiently, and the growth rate of expenditure will slow down than the original plan."

Tellas's announcement seems to be helpless to stabilize the British exchange rate, and the pound fell more than 1 % during the press conference.Shortly after taking office, Tellas launched a controversial budget facilities, which caused dissatisfaction and market turbulence, which led to a severe frustration of the British exchange rate and government bonds.Tellas quickly canceled the measures and temporarily appeased his dissatisfaction, but the reputation of the Conservative Government had been damaged, and Tellas became the object of criticism of all parties.

Kwoten confirmed that he was revolved on Friday.Before the press conference of Tras, Kwenng resigned on Twitter, saying: "You (Tellas) asked me to resign from the post of financial ministers, I accepted it."

Kwo Teng is the third financial minister who resigned this year.He only served as a finance minister for 37 days, and was the shortest term since the 1970s.

Kwo Teng had attended the International Monetary Fund Organization Conference in Washington, but returned to London early on Friday, went directly to the Prime Minister's Mansion after getting off the plane, and then resigned and left.