The North Korean People's Liberation Army's Tactical Nuclear Forces held a military exercise from September 25 to October 9 to confirm and evaluate the country's scarcation and nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear nuclear.Counterattack ability, and give the enemy severe warning. "North Korean leader Kim Jong -un attended the scene to guide military exercises.

North Korea claims that the recent seven missile tests are nuclear tactical exercises, using South Korea's main facilities as the attacking object.Public opinion generally believes that various signs show that the possibility of North Korea's seventh nuclear test is increasing.

The North Korean Society reported on Monday (October 10) that the North Korean People's Liberation Army Tactical Nuclear Forces held military exercises from September 25 to October 9 to confirm and evaluate the country's scolding of the war and counterattack nuclear counterattack.Ability, and give the enemy severe warning. "North Korean leader Kim Jong -un attended the scene to guide military exercises.

Reports pointed out that the recent seven missile tests have fully demonstrated the "combat effectiveness and actual combat capabilities of the North Korean nuclear forces, which can fight and destroy the target from any place at any time."North Korea has held ballistic missile exercises with a tactical nuclear warhead in the past two weeks to convey a strong signal to deceive the war.Simulation attack targets include South Korea's military command facilities, airports and important ports.

Scholars: North Korea builds a variety of launch platforms or to avoid the Korean "kill chain" system

North Korea ’s recent discrimination missiles in the recent test of missiles said that the missile launched from Taichuan County, Ping An North Road on September 25 was a submarine -to -ball missile launched by the inland reservoir, which aroused great attention from South Korea.

Zhang Yonggen, a professor of Korean Aviation University, who specializes in North Korean missiles, believes that this is unprecedented.Russia has also deployed railway motorized ballistic missiles, but did not hear the precedent for launch in the reservoir.He judged that North Korea may have built a variety of launch platforms to avoid the "kill chain" system in South Korea.


The "kill chain" system is an active attack system that integrates detection, identification, decision -making, and strike.

North Korea also said that more than 150 fighters were dispatched on October 8 for comprehensive training.

Li Wanggen, the former chief of staff of the South Korean Air Force, pointed out that the insufficient fuel of the Korean Air Force can only be trained at a specific time. At the same time, it is rare for more than 150 fighter aircraft training.North Korea seemed to mobilize all military resources to show its combat effectiveness.

DPRK also quoted Kim Jong -un's words: "Although the enemy continues to talk about starting dialogue and negotiation, we have nothing to say, and this is not necessary."

A senior reporter An Zhengzhi, a senior reporter in North Korea, pointed out that from the current situation, South Korea, Japan and the United States have become more and more obvious.North Korea may study and judge that as long as it moves closer to China and Russia, there is no problem.For North Korea, there is no need to talk to South Korea or the United States.He said that North Korea seemed to summarize recent training.This means that North Korea will suspend provocations. After the Chinese government's 20th National Congress is over, it is, as the media said, "it will send a clearer signal to the enemy", which means that it will make greater provocations.

Professor Lin Yi, a professor at the Institute of Far East of Qingnan University, said: "The content of this exercise implies that the possibility of nuclear war on the peninsula is higher than before.The clear will and capabilities of dominance. We need to deeply realize that the possibility of nuclear war on the peninsula is further improved. South Korea must explore the strategy of smart management of North Korea. "

JTBC TV news analysis said that the United States will hold mid -term elections on November 8. To attract attention, North Korea will hold a nuclear test before, so the possibility of nuclear test at the end of October is very high.