(Kiev Comprehensive Electric) The Russian -Ukraine fire was upgraded, and the Russian army violently bombed the Ukrainian capital Kiev and other cities on Monday to retaliate against the Ukrainian special forces to plan the Crimea Bridge explosion.Russian President Putin's words will bomb more Ukraine infrastructure.

The Russian army launched a bombing during the busy time of Monday (October 10). The busy intersection, parks and attractions in the city center of Kiev were blown up. The attack intensity was fierce than that in the early days of the war that the Russian army tried to capture Kiev.The air strike alert lasted for nearly six hours, and citizens hid in the air defense hole.The building where the German Culit is located was also shot. Fortunately, the staff had evacuated in February.

Laviff, Ternopil, Zhytomyr in western Ukraine, Ternopil, Zhytomyr, DNIPRO in the central region, and Kremenchuk in the southHalkov in the east was also bombed.

Attack caused 11 death 64 injuries

Ukrainian President Zelezi means that the Russian army deliberately selected attacks during the busy hours in the morning, intending to cause the greatest harm and "wipe away from the earth".The Ukraine Ministry of Defense said at noon that the Russian army launched 81 cruise missiles, of which 43 were shot down by the Ukraine's air defense system.

Ukrainian emergency service department said that at least 11 people were killed in this series of attacks, and 64 were injured.11 important infrastructures in Kiev and eight regions were blown up, and the four regions of Lavff, Poltava, Sumy and Jelnobol were fully powered off.The supply is also partially interrupted.

Russian President Putin said in a live broadcast on Monday on Monday that in order to retaliate against the "terrorist attack" implemented in Ukraine, including bombing the Crimea Bridge last Saturday, he ordered to launch missiles from sea, land, and air.Command and communication goals implement "large -scale" long -range strikes.

Putin said: "The Kiev regime has placed itself at the same level as the international terrorist organization, and it is impossible to respond to this behavior. If Ukraine continues to try to launch a terrorist attack, Russia will make a tough response."

The Crimea Bridge exploded on Saturday, and the two sections of the highway bridge collapsed.Russia refers to this that this is made by the Ukrainian special forces.Ukraine did not recognize the case, but cheered for the bridge.This bridge is an important arteries of the Russian and Black Sea Fleet, and an important symbol of Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014.

Putin also accused Ukraine with three attacks on the Russia's KURSK nuclear power plant about 85 kilometers from Russia and Ukraine, and tried to attack Turkstream natural gas pipelines from Russia to Turkey under the Black Sea.

Daniel Kuruba pointed out that Putin launched a missile attack, not because of the explosion of the Crimean Bridge, but "because of the defeat on the battlefield that made him feel desperate."He also pointed out that Putin "was a terrorist who spoke with missiles", and Kiev was seeking a "resolute response" for the United Nations for the Russian missile attack.

The leaders of the Seventh Kingdom Group will hold an emergency conference on Tuesday to discuss the latest development development with Zelei Sky.NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg condemned Russia for launching "terrible attacks on green and red soaps."The European Union refers to Russia launched a "barbaric and cowardly attack."French Foreign Minister said that the attack on civilians was the crime of war.