Bayeng said on a event in Los Angeles, California on Thursday: "The price of natural gas is still too high, we must continue to work hard to reduce the price. I will make more announcements next week."Essence

(Washington Composite Electric) The high inflation in the United States has deeply troubled the Bayeon government.President Bayeng has criticized US gasoline prices again on Thursday (October 13), and promises to announce the new operation to combat the main driving force of inflation.

Analysis believes that the midterm elections in the United States are approaching, and inflation has not improved, and the pressure on Biden and the Democratic Party is getting greater. Economists are even more worried that high inflation will become the norm in the United States in the future.

Bayeng said on a event in Los Angeles, California on Thursday: "The price of natural gas is still too high, we must continue to work hard to reduce the price. I will make more announcements next week."Officials refused to comment on the measures that Biden might take.

The US Department of Labor announced data on Thursday. The US September Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.4 % month -on -month and 8.2 % year -on -year.

Data show that the increase in housing, medical care, new car prices and education costs are the main factor in price rise in September.

After the

Report was announced, Biden immediately issued a statement showing that the pressure on ordinary Americans was the same.He said: "Americans have been squeezed by the cost of life, and this is the case for many years. They do not need today's inflation reports to explain these situations."

Yellen: To inhibit inflation and have more jobs to do

Biden also said that the CPI shows that the government has made some progress in suppressing the rise in prices.

Aiming at CPI, which is higher than expected, the Minister Yellen said in Washington on Thursday that to inhibit the worst inflation since the 1980s, there is "more work to do".

She said: "Although the supply chain bottlenecks and labor market pressures have signs of relief, we must see continuous progress."

Dimon, president of US financial giant Morgan Chase, said that the US Federal Reserve is fully containing inflation, and the US economy is unlikely to achieve "soft landing".He believes that the price of the United States must pay a slight or serious economic recession."In severe recession, you can expect that the market will fall by 20 % and 30 %."

New York Times: Inflation pressure does not reduce Bayeng to let go of the big stone

On the other hand, the New York Times analysis pointed out that September inflation data was the last inflation report before the mid -November 8th election.The pressure of inflation is not diminished. It is difficult for Biden and the Democratic Party to let go of the big stones, and the Republican Party will continue to chase.

Analysis of the Fed's continuous interest rate hike has slowed the real estate market, and it is expected to slowly spread to other economic fields. In the future, major transactions or expansion business will be performed, and loans will become more expensive.

Federation is worried that rapid inflation may last, Fed officials have stated that the plan to increase interest rates to the level of economic growth enough and will maintain high interest rates until the price increases significantly.Officials estimate that by the end of next year, the cost of lending will increase to about 4.6 %.

The phenomenon of prices has continued, and Fed officials are worried that consumers and companies will begin to be accustomed.

Employees will start asking more salaries to cope with the cost of living, and the capital may regularly increase the price to form a vicious circle, making it more difficult to eliminate inflation to become the normality of the US economy.

The chief economist of the American Insurance Camp Mutual Aid Group, Rick, said: "We began to see continuous inflation spread to the economic field.Internal decline. "

The Washington Post pointed out that the core CPI data is high, indicating that inflation has become deeply ingrained in the US economy, and it will be more difficult to eradicate.