(Washington Composite Electric) The US Biden government released a new national security strategy, indicating that winning competition with China is a priority, and it is also necessary to restrict Russia with "dangerous".The US government also pointed out that inflation pose a threat to global security.

The National Security Counselor of the White House said on Wednesday (October 12) when she released the national security strategy at Georgetown University: "The post -Cold War era has ended."

The new strategy is that for the United States and the world, the 2020s were decisive 10 years. It will determine whether the world can effectively reduce challenges such as conflict, promoting democracy, and response to climate change."Maintaining the long -lasting competition advantage of China will be a priority, and Russia, which is still extremely dangerous to restrict."

Russia invaded Ukraine in February, prompting the Bayeng government to reform the document required by the US Congress.The national security strategy expounds the idea of the White House on foreign policy and national security issues.The 48 -page document states that China and Russia are "increasingly united", but the two countries constitute very different challenges.

China is described as "the only competitors with the only intention to reshape the international order, as well as the increasingly strong economic, diplomatic, military, and technical forces to promote this goal";The system composition directly threatens, and unscrupulously despise the basic rules of today's international order. "

According to the new version of the strategy, by the 2030s, the United States will first deter the two major nuclear powers, namely Russia and China."In order to ensure that the US nuclear deterrence power is enough to deal with the threats facing," the United States is carrying out nuclear forces to "modernize and strengthen the deterrent commitment to allies."

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Sino -US relations should return to the healthy development track

However, the new version of the strategy also pointed out that "China is essential to the global economy and has a significant impact on the global joint challenges, especially climate change and global public safety. Coexistence of peace in the United States and China is possible, and human progress can be shared together (The results) and contribute to it. "

Bayeng government emphasized that they "find competition rather than conflict -we are not looking for a new Cold War."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said at a press conference in Beijing on Thursday that China and the United States should promote the "relationship back to healthy and stable development of relations to the development of healthy and stable development."She said: "As the largest developing country and developed countries, China and the United States have responsible for maintaining world peace and stability, promoting economic prosperity and development.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (20th National Congress) is about to be held on Sunday.Chinese officials are expected to enter the third term.After the Chinese official ruling, it has made a "eastward rise and west" after governance.In the 10 years of his main administration, China's diplomatic style bid farewell to the tightness for decades, and opened a new era with the main melody of "struggle". Chinese diplomat officials are more aggressive than ever, seizing public opinion positions.diplomatic".

Dongsheng and West Hall has not been mentioned before the opening of the 20th National Congress.However, the bulletin assessment of the Seventh Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee released on Wednesday, the Communist Party of China has carried out diplomatic diplomacy with a large country with Chinese characteristics in all aspects of the Communist Party of China in five years.And the huge risk challenge.

In the new national security strategy in the United States, inflation has also been listed as a threat to global security, and "people all over the world are working hard to deal with" cross -border issues.Other cross -border issues include climate change. Saravin said: "The difficulty of challenging with climate change is becoming more and more difficult, and the window of opportunities to deal with challenges will also shrink sharply."