Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council Wenediktov warned that NATO allows Ukraine to join, which will definitely trigger the Third World War."Kiev clearly knows that this step means that it must be upgraded to the Third World War. NATO members also understand this step with suicide."

(Brussels / Astana Comprehensive) Before the U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin was held at the NATO Nuclear Planning Group meeting, he reiterated the United States' commitment to the collective defense of NATO for the United States that the United States would definitely defend NATO's "every inch" territory.

The Ukrainian aggression war in Russia has been frustrated in the past month. The Kremlin has increased nuclear blackmail against Ukraine. Beixi natural gas pipelines have been attacked by unknown. NATO and European countries are facing increasingly urgent security threats.Austin said: "If there is a problem with NATO territory, we are committed to defending every inch of NATO."

NATO Defense Minister on Thursday (October 13) participated in a meeting of Nuclear Planning Group in Brussels.NATO did not disclose the details of the discussion on nuclear issues, but reiterated that the nuclear military policy was reviewed from time to time, and it would make modifications and adjustments based on the latest situation.

A senior official in NATO said on Wednesday that if Russia uses nuclear weapons to fight Ukraine, "it will almost definitely attract the substantial response of many allies, and it may be the reaction of NATO itself." But he did not further explain what reaction was.

US National Security Consultant Shalin said in September that the United States has stated to Moscow that if nuclear weapons are used in Ukraine, it will face "catastrophic consequences."Shalvin did not make any reactions in the United States.

Western diplomats believe that Moscow implies that the use of tactical nuclear weapons to defend the Ukrainian territory that has been merged, the purpose is to scare Western countries to reduce support for Kiev.

Venykitf, deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council warned that NATO allows Ukraine to join, which will definitely trigger the Third World War."Kiev clearly knows that this step means that it must be upgraded to the Third World War. NATO members also understand this step with suicide."

Putin proposes to pave the natural gas tube to Turkey

Ukrainian President Zeleiski said earlier hoping that NATO will speed up the application of Ukraine's enlistment, but Ukraine's joining the alliance is not easy, because this proposal must be unanimously agreed by 30 member states.

On the other hand, Türkiye, a member of NATO, defended the vigorous trade with Russia.

Turkish President Erdogan and Russian President Putin participated in the sixth summit of the Asian mutual collaboration and mutual trust measures (Asian Council Conference) at Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.This is the fourth meeting in Erdogan and Putin in three months.

Erdogan and Putin met: "Although some measures in Turkey and Russia will disturb some circles, they will be happy when they are behind." Erdogan refers to TurkeyFrom the black sea to the backward country.

The United States and the European Union have put pressure on Turkey to obey the sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russia.Erdogan not only refused to cooperate, but also approved a series of trade agreements in recent months to increase exports to Russia.Erdogan also proposed to NATO that Turkey can be a neutral place for Russia and Ukraine's offset negotiations.

Putin's good intentions for Erdogan, he proposed to lay a natural gas pipeline to Turkey and set up a natural gas hub there.He said: "This will be a platform that is not only used for delivery of natural gas, but also priced. Now the price of natural gas is high. We can originally supervise the natural gas market without political intervention."