(Berlin Composite Electric) Germany Foreign Minister Berbek pointed out that the relationship between Germany and Russia broke down after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War. Germany must learn from it and must be more cautious when trade with China.

Bell Berk said on Wednesday (October 12) in an interview with the South German Daily: "Germany must adjust its relationship with China, especially economic relations."

She said that Germany's lesson from the policy of Russia is, "We can't let our survival anymore depend on any country that is different from them."

Germany is struggling in the energy crisis caused by the Ukrainian war, because Russia withdrew the key natural gas supply, leading to soaring prices.China is the main trading partner of Germany, especially the flagship automotive industry.

However, German Prime Minister Tsurtz pointed out at a business summit on the 11th that Germany should not be decoupled with some countries. He made it clear that Germany should maintain trade relations with China.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that Tsutz intends to visit China from November 3rd to 4th, becoming the first leader of the Seventh -way Group (G7) to visit China since the outbreak of the crown disease.It is reported that Toners intends to continue the policy of the former Prime Minister Merkel and maintain a close economic connection with China.

Bell Berk emphasized in a visit on Wednesday that she did not advocate that she should be "completely decoupled" with China, but advocated the development of alternative markets, decentralized risks and risk management.

She takes the shares of a container terminal of Hamburg Port in Hamburg Port as an example: "Hamburg Port is not an ordinary port ... We must review every investment in GermanyAction opposes our democratic system. What will this investment mean? "