Society: Be alert to the arrival of the El Nino phenomenon
Society: Be alert to the arrival of the El Nino phenomenon
In the past two months of international and regional countries, they have paid attention to El Nino phenomenon. For example, the World Meteorological Organization warned that in the next five years, the El Niopy phenomenon and continuous gr...
2023-10-08 10:02:51
Sino -US AI war: watershed by ChatGPT
Sino -US AI war: watershed by ChatGPT
Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Author: Huang Weihao China and the United States in the increasingly severe artificial intelligence (AI) competition, fighting is difficult to distinguish.The interesting part of this competition is that only a fe...
2023-10-08 07:23:11
Comment: Can China's "Twenty Punishment of Internet Storms" allow ordinary public
Comment: Can China's "Twenty Punishment of Internet Storms" allow ordinary public
Source: China Youth Daily In the past two days, Beijing lawyers Zhou Zhaocheng and Zhejiang lawyer Jin Xiaohang once again turned their attention back to their respective agents.They hope to find the strong basis for continuing rights to co...
2023-10-08 07:23:09
Comment: Brinken visited the Lu Democratic Progressive Party's trapped strategy a
Comment: Brinken visited the Lu Democratic Progressive Party's trapped strategy a
Source: Taiwan Wangbao Society Review U.S. media reports that US Secretary of State Brillin is about to visit mainland China and may talk to President Xi Jinping. Brincken's trip will determine whether U.S. -China relations can stop and sta...
2023-10-08 07:23:06
Liu Birong: The rise of the six kingdoms in the south of the world
Liu Birong: The rise of the six kingdoms in the south of the world
Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network Author: Liu Birong U.S. Secretary of State Bringson visited Saudi Arabia for three days last week and talked with Saudi Arabia to talk about the normalization of Iran, Sudan, regional infrastructure, and...
2023-10-08 07:23:04
Society: Look at Ke Wenzhe's "self -slow" character from Japan.
Society: Look at Ke Wenzhe's "self -slow" character from Japan.
Source: Taiwan United Daily News With some presidential polls, Ke Wenzhe started a five -day visit to Japan a few days ago.He saw the two former Japanese Prime Minister of Noda Kamada and Aso Taro. He also visited the Japanese Restoration A...
2023-10-08 07:23:01
Tang Shaocheng: From visiting Saudi Arabia from Bolling Kenkel
Tang Shaocheng: From visiting Saudi Arabia from Bolling Kenkel
Source: Taiwan United Daily Author: Tang Shaocheng Following the visit to Saudi Arabia, the national security adviser Su Liwin, the National Security Consultant, a few days ago, the Secretary of State Brosky also visited the Saudi State for...
2023-10-08 07:22:59
Social editorial: "Exemption skirt" becomes "explosion", and the platform respo
Social editorial: "Exemption skirt" becomes "explosion", and the platform respo
Source: Xinjing News Agency "Hu Mouyong held the door incident" is still fermenting, and from the perspective of online public opinion in China, it seems to be walking in a more absurd and weird direction. After the parties were investigate...
2023-10-08 07:22:56
Comment: For nearly six years after Su Xiangmao's death, why Zhai Xinxin was now
Comment: For nearly six years after Su Xiangmao's death, why Zhai Xinxin was now
Source: China News Agency is through traffic Weibo certification account "Su Xiangmao's brother Su Xianglong" released on June 9 that Zhai Xinxin had been arrested and detained in a detention center.The picture of the notification of the ca...
2023-10-08 07:22:54
Zhu Zhiqun: US -China relations need peace messengers rather than war traffickers
Zhu Zhiqun: US -China relations need peace messengers rather than war traffickers
The latest polls of poll agencies Gallop's latest polls show that Americans have fell to 15%of China, a new low since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1979.The relationship between the United States and...
2023-10-08 07:22:52
Li Zhiliang: Southeast Asia should be prepared for the Western "de -risk"
Li Zhiliang: Southeast Asia should be prepared for the Western "de -risk"
After the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) summit, the new word of "de-Risking China" appeared in international relations.Compared to the "decoupling" set off in the era of the US -China trade war, "going to China" is gentle and even brings comme...
2023-10-08 07:22:49
Chen Guoxiang: Taiwan #Metoo trend to enhance feminism status
Chen Guoxiang: Taiwan #Metoo trend to enhance feminism status
The #Metoo Movement, which has hit the world in the past six years, has recently risen in Taiwan.Hurricane began in the Central Party Department of the Democratic Progressive Party, and soon swept through all fields of society. So far, many...
2023-10-08 04:43:08
Society: The advantages and challenges of the election of the presidential system
Society: The advantages and challenges of the election of the presidential system
Minister of State and Politics and Social Policy, Shang Damman, stated that since the presidential election of the President, there are two reactions in the workshop: First, there are finally eyebrows on the long -standing candidate issues,...
2023-10-08 04:43:05
Xiong Li: How do you think of the "population signal" of first -tier cities?
Xiong Li: How do you think of the "population signal" of first -tier cities?
Source: China Economic Daily Author: Xiong Li The statistical communiqués across China in 2022 have been released in the near future. The permanent population of the four major first -tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzh...
2023-10-08 04:43:03
Comment: Why did bicycles rise again and again?The expensive bus subway is still "lov
Comment: Why did bicycles rise again and again?The expensive bus subway is still "lov
Source: Beijing Evening News In recent years, as the Chinese bike -sharing industry has entered a mature and stable period, companies will no longer burn money to subsidize users.The topic of "shared bicycles has increased the price again."...
2023-10-08 04:43:00