President Biden hopes that more cars and trucks in the United States will use electricity, not gasoline.His government has promoted this goal from multiple aspects, including strict new car emissions regulations and generous new subsidies, allowing American consumers to spend less than $ 7,500 in each new electric vehicle.

Biden's assistants agreed that electric vehicles with an average retail price of more than 53,000 US dollars in the United States can be more popular if they can be cheaper.However, at this moment, a number of new electric vehicles are much cheaper than the current electric vehicles that consumers can buy in the United States.It turns out that they are very popular in Europe.

But the president and his team do not want Americans to buy these cheap cars with a retail price of as low as $ 10,000 in other places because they are made in China.This is true. Although the surge in low -cost imported electric vehicles may help lower the price of the overall car. As inflation is still the economic problem that voters are most concerned about, it may help Biden's re -election campaign.

On the contrary, the president is taking measures to make the price of Chinese electric vehicles high as prohibited, to a large extent to protect American auto manufacturers.Biden signed an administrative order earlier this month, which increased the tariffs of these cars to 100%.

These tariffs will make many potential Chinese imported products significantly disadvantaged compared with electric vehicles made in the United States.But even after the tariffs are imposed, the price of the discount BYD seagulls may still be lower than some American competitors.One of the reasons.

The obvious conflict between climate problems and the manufacturing industry made some environmentalists and liberal economists feel uneasy. They said that if Bayeng welcomes low -cost and low -emission technology to cope with climate change, the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States and the United States andThe world will benefit more.

Biden and its assistants refuted this criticism.They said that the presidential restriction of imports of Chinese electric vehicles and other cleaning technology is an important counterattack against illegal and harmful trade behaviors that China is implementing.

They insist that Biden's trade strategy will eventually help the employment and national security of the United States -and the entire earth.The following are policies and political considerations that are promoted to protect American manufacturers from competing with Chinese competition.

Do not let China get a new monopoly position

China has dominated in the fields of key clean energy manufacturing such as solar cells.Biden's assistants want to prevent it from getting monopolies in similar industries such as electric vehicles for several reasons.

Including climate issues.Government officials said that Chinese factories often use fossil fuels such as coal, which produces more greenhouse gas emissions than US factories.

There is also an important economic reason for rejecting China's monopoly position: ensuring that electric vehicles and trucks are always supplying at a competitive price.The new crown epidemic highlights the vulnerability of the global supply chain, because key products such as semiconductors are difficult to obtain from China and other Asian countries relying on the United States.Consumer electronics and other products that rely on imported materials have soared, which has exacerbated inflation.

Biden's officials want to avoid similar situations in electric vehicles.Ali Zaisdi, a national climate consultant in Biden, said that the supply of electric vehicles and other advanced green technology in China may endanger "the overall ability of the world to successfully develop the technology required by the clean energy economy."

Consolidate national security

Biden's officials said they did not bring the world's electric vehicle supply chain to the United States.For example, they are reaching an agreement with the allies to provide minerals for advanced batteries, and encourage countries in Europe and other regions to subsidize their own clean technology production.But they are particularly worried about the security effects of major competitors like China.

The U.S. government has begun to investigate the risk of software and hardware (electric vehicles or other) imported from China in the future. These cars can track the positions of Americans and report to China.Liberal economists are also worried that China may cut off the exit of new cars or key components for strategic purposes.

The Roosevelt Research Institute of Washington Liberal Institutions appreciates Biden's industrial policy actions. The special project director Elizabeth Patti said that allowing China to lead electric vehicles to produce, it may repeat the mistakes of fuel power vehicles. LaterThose who have faced economic and security challenges for a long time.

For decades, Americans have been working hard to deal with the decision of reducing production and increasing oil prices in the Organization of Oil output countries.She said that if China drives other countries out of the electric vehicle market, it may cause similar damage to the electric vehicle market.

She said that if this happens, "reversing the situation will be very difficult."

Biden needs energy transformation to create employment opportunities

It is undeniable that politics has also played a huge role in the decision of Biden.In short: He promised his climate plan to create employment opportunities -high -paying blue -collar manufacturing positions, including key swing states such as Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Biden is a firm supporter of the Labor Organization. He expects the union's votes to help him win these states.He promises that energy transformation will promote the development of trade union workers.He is convinced that they will support the protection of tariffs on the employment of the American manufacturing industry and overwhelm the complaints of environmentalists who want to achieve emission reduction faster.

"Inside the Democratic Party, one of the voters who truly organize strict organization and can send people to the door are labor groups, not environmental protection groups," Professor of Labor Research, clean air and good work at the University of Rogers —The author of the book of the book of Clean Air and Good Jobs: U.S. Labor and the Struggle for Climate Justice) said Toddwa.

He also said that many clean energy jobs are in young companies, where workers there are not joining the union, so such concerns have become particularly obvious.

When Bayeng announced his tariff decision last week, he put these concerns in the primary position.

"As early as 2000, when Iron and Steel from China began to pour into the market, the US steel towns in Pennsylvania and Ohio were severely hit," he said in the White House."Iron and steel workers in Pennsylvania and Ohio lost their jobs. I will not let this happen again."