After Taiwan Lai Qingde took office, Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of Mainland China for the first time on Tuesday (May 28) for the first time. He criticized Lai Qingde to publish "Taiwan independence from White Book" at the beginning of his office, which harmed the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.

The State Taiwan Affairs Office spokesman Zhu Fenglian added more emphasis on the regular press conference the next day. is the resolute punishment of Lai Qingde's inaugural speech "independence and provocation".

Lai Qingde reiterated in the inauguration speech on May 20 , which caused strong dissatisfaction in Beijing.For many weeks, the mainland officials have criticized the words in the past few days, and the military exercise of the Taiwan Strait will be held again, which will heat up the situation again.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Song Tao met with the former chairman of the Kuomintang Hong Xiuzhu and the new party chairman Wu Chengdian and his party on Tuesday.

Song Tao described at the beginning that the current situation of the Taiwan Strait was "complicated and severe", and also said that "the leaders of Taiwan's regional leaders have published a complete Taiwan independence from the beginning of office.Hobbing and stability.

He also said that the mainland made "resolute countermeasures and punishment, showing that we are maintaining a strong position and strong ability to maintain national unity and oppose Taiwan independence."

According to the press release of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Song Tao also emphasized that "the great rejuvenation process of the Chinese nation is irreversible, and the unification of the motherland will be realized. No matter how the situation on the island changes, no matter who is in power, it cannot be changed nor the two sides of the strait cannot be blocked.Relational development direction and the unified process of the motherland. "

He went on to say that the unified power of Taiwan's patriotism must "adhere to the principle of China, firmly unify trust, recognize the essence of Taiwan independence split forces, sell the essence of Taiwan, and resolutely oppose the unique provocations of Taiwan's leaders.'Reverse flow, firmly guard the common home of the Chinese nation; actively participate in the great cause of national rejuvenation, jointly participate in the modernization of Chinese -style, and create a long and well -being of the Chinese nation. "

According to the United Daily report, Hong Xiuzhu also said to speak in the opening speech to echo Song Tao, saying that Lai Qingde's inaugural conversation was "the beginning of the real Taiwan independence governance" and emphasized that reasonable speculation of the statement of the United States to Lai Qingde is not opposed.It is also the intervention of the so -called foreign forces. "

At the regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China the next day, Zhu Fenglian further criticized Lai Qingde's inauguration. "The attitude is extremely rampant and the nature is extremely bad.Severe damage to peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. "

She also emphasized that, if it is for its development, it will definitely lead to the fierce fighting of the Taiwan Strait.

As for the PLA's "Union Sword-20124A" military exercise held last week, will it be normalized?She emphasized that the exercise was a resolute punishment for Lai Qingde's inaugural speech, and it was also a severe warning of external forces. "Taiwan independence provokes more than a day, and the PLA's action to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is constantly."

In addition, some Taiwanese media have further questioned that the two sides of the strait are almost tearing on their faces. Can't it really go back?Zhu Fenglian said that it is a pseudo -proposition that cannot be returned from cross -strait relations, because cross -strait relations have always been promoted in the direction of the unification of the motherland. "

Taiwan Guoan Director Cai Mingyan When interviewed on Wednesday, the main purpose of the mainland last week, the main purpose wasIt is still scary to Taiwan. It is not to start a war. The purpose is to publicize internally and declare that Beijing has absolute main control over the situation in the Taiwan Strait.