Zhang Jing: Interpretation of Germany's strategy of integrating contradictions to
Zhang Jing: Interpretation of Germany's strategy of integrating contradictions to
Source: United News Network Author: Zhang Jing On July 13th, the German federal government under the topic of China-Strategie Der Bundesregierung (Federal Government Strategy on China). At the same timeFor EU member states, it does have a p...
2023-10-12 04:43:15
Enter the White House: Practical Taiwan independence or a childish disease?
Enter the White House: Practical Taiwan independence or a childish disease?
Source: Taiwan United Daily Lianhe Daily News Lai Qingde, the President of the DPP President Lai Qingde, once defined the 2024 election as the choice of "democracy and authoritarian". Recently, the election defines the election as the "Zhon...
2023-10-12 04:43:12
Huang Shunjie: The Auto Party of the DAP
Huang Shunjie: The Auto Party of the DAP
The People's Action Party seems to enter the autumn of events. On July 3rd, Premier Li Xianlong only guaranteed the personality and ethics of the two cabinet ministers for the black and white house incident.When everyone thinks that the pol...
2023-10-12 04:43:10
Yan Mengda: Mahathir who has no time to disguise
Yan Mengda: Mahathir who has no time to disguise
Six states of neighboring countries (Penang, Selangor, Samililan, Jedie, Ji Lan and Dengga Lou) are imminent, and the popularity of election campaigns has continued to rise.In the stress of the party alliances, the Malaysian government rece...
2023-10-12 04:43:07
Ye Pengfei: Unexpected myths
Ye Pengfei: Unexpected myths
The wealth of 500 rich people around the world increased by 852 billion US dollars (about S $ 1.15 trillion) in the first half of 2023.This is the fastest growth of the wealth wealth since the second half of 2020.The Bloomberg billionaire i...
2023-10-12 04:43:05
Liu Yanting: Erdogan may "betray" Putin but did not betray history
Liu Yanting: Erdogan may "betray" Putin but did not betray history
Source: Hong Kong 01 Author: Liu Yanting Recently, Turkey's series of actions have been interpreted as "betrayal" to Russia. First of all, the five commanders of the "Asian Camp" were released on July 8.The calendar was a high -level prison...
2023-10-12 04:43:02
Comment: Is there a selling point for foreign supervisors with Taiwan characteristics?
Comment: Is there a selling point for foreign supervisors with Taiwan characteristics?
Source: Taiwan United Daily Prison has become a well -known sightseeing point in many countries.For example, the Demon Island Prison in San Francisco's offshore, after finishing the role of a federal criminal prison, became a must -visit at...
2023-10-12 04:42:59
Society: Three major development affects NATO East expansion progress
Society: Three major development affects NATO East expansion progress
Source: Taiwan Industrial and Commercial Times Society The NATO Summit (NATO) summit ended. The three most noticeable things were: after the Russia -Ukraine War was over, the United States would consider that Ukraine joined NATO; Turkey no...
2023-10-12 02:03:11
The first strategy for Germany to China: the Green Party Eagle "Handiculous Chess"
The first strategy for Germany to China: the Green Party Eagle "Handiculous Chess"
Source: Hong Kong 01 Author: Ye Dehao On July 13th, the first German strategy that has been delayed from the late period of Merkel's administration in the later period of Politics has finally been released.The document comes from Germany's...
2023-10-12 02:03:09
Society: Globalization can be redefined, Taiwan has fallen margin and attached
Society: Globalization can be redefined, Taiwan has fallen margin and attached
Source: Taiwan United Daily News Zhang Zhongmou, the founder of TSMC Zhang Zhongmou, talked about globalization twice in the past half a year, and has attracted much attention.In December last year, he pointed out that "globalization is dea...
2023-10-12 02:03:06
Chen Guanan: In the second half of the Taiwan election, integration in the wild is the
Chen Guanan: In the second half of the Taiwan election, integration in the wild is the
Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network Author: Chen Guanan With only half a year left for the election, the blue -green presidential candidates have been released, and the 2024 Taiwan election is about to enter the second half. In the first h...
2023-10-12 02:03:04
Comment: When is the "blind box" of the public bars?
Comment: When is the "blind box" of the public bars?
Source: Surging News 69 square meters on the house purchase contract, 37 square meters were found to be the public area when they were delivered. Ms. Ji, China, bought a commercial apartment in the Rong'an Furong Yinyue Community in 2020 an...
2023-10-12 02:03:01
Huang Weiman: Who will help "not OK" fresh people in the workplace
Huang Weiman: Who will help "not OK" fresh people in the workplace
A book written by a post -90s young girl in South Korea a few years ago, he recorded in detail the dialogue with psychological counselors for 12 weeks after depression and anxiety.Although the book named to die, I still want to eat spicy fr...
2023-10-12 02:02:59
Lin Yuan: Does Putin fall into the "two -sided" strange circle?
Lin Yuan: Does Putin fall into the "two -sided" strange circle?
Mr. Weida's article Putin is caught in a "two-sided person" strange circle ), Proposed that Wagner's mutiny is a serious betrayal of "two -sided human style", and there are many two sides within the Russian military.He also said: "The seemi...
2023-10-12 02:02:56
Cai Yongxing: The American Social Disease I have observed
Cai Yongxing: The American Social Disease I have observed
The United States is a country that I am quite familiar with.He spent four years in Texas, USA for four years in 1986, and spent nearly four months in Boston in 2009 for nearly four months to take a high -level business management course. T...
2023-10-12 02:02:54