In response to the inconvenience of using mobile payments for foreign people, Zhang Qingsong, Vice President of the People's Bank of China, proposed three measures on Friday (March 1), including a single person who used foreign personnel to use mobile payment in ChinaThe transaction limit has been increased from $ 1,000 (about S $ 1345) to $ 5,000.

The Journalism Office of the State Council of China held a routine briefing for policy on Friday at 3 pm.Zhang Qingsong proposed three measures at the meeting. The first is to use the problem of low success rates for the successful success rate of Alipay and WeChat to the Chinese people to go to China, and to guide and guide Alipay and Tenpay to optimize the business process and improve the efficiency of handling cards.

The second is to simplify the arrangement of identity verification, so that foreign people to go to China to download in a series of applications such as card tie cards are more convenient to handle.The central bank is also very concerned about the protection of personal information, and it will strictly require relevant agencies to effectively protect personal information security.

Third is to guide the main payment institutions such as Alipay and Tenpay to increase foreign personnel to China with a single transaction limit for mobile payment from $ 1,000 to $ 5,000.To $ 50,000.

Zhang Qingsong said that the current problems are mainly concentrated in "unused", "not easy to use" and "do not want to use.""Can't use it", some foreign friends cannot tie the foreign bank cards."Not easy to use", some foreign friends spend exceeding a certain amount, and they cannot pay.When there are more problems, the payment is not convenient, and naturally "don't want to use".He believes that through the above three aspects of very specific and targeted measures, overseas personnel who go abroad will continue to improve service satisfaction and sense of obtaining the service satisfaction and sense of obtaining cards in "use inside".

Zhang Qingsong also emphasized that we must always adhere to development and security, and in the process of promoting payment services and market development, pay attention to risk prevention and control, and realize the dynamic balance between the two.On the one hand, support payment institutions, especially head payment institutions, implement differentiated risk prevention and control strategies according to their own business reality; on the other hand, urge the payment institutionTake risk control measures for targetedness.