(Manila Comprehensive News) Philippine President Marco pointed out that the appearance of Chinese warships in the South China Sea and the Philippine vessels have been "worrying" by more online attacks in recent years.

Maccous, on Wednesday (February 28), during the visit to Australia was interviewed by the media, emphasized that the development of the South China Sea will not prevent the Philippine government from defending the territorial sea and continue to "support all fishermen we lived with these fishing grounds."" ".

The Philippines and Chinese ships have confronted the South China Sea in the South China Sea in the South China Sea in the past many years.Last Sunday (25th), the Philippine Police accused China of the Filipino government ships that transported materials to fishermen in the waters of Skobel (China, known as Huangyan Island).China refers to the sea area where the Philippine fishing vessels invade China.

According to the Philippine Star report, the Philippine Navy spokesman Tatinida also revealed that in the past three or four years, cyber attacks against the Philippine warship have increased.But he also pointed out that there is no evidence that China is the main ambassador behind the scenes.

In order to balance China in the South China Sea, Magaks has significantly strengthened military cooperation with the American Biden government.Therefore, the Philippines is also concerned about how the US presidential election will affect US foreign policies.

Ambassador to the United States: Trump promised to Indo -Pacific policy unchanged

The Philippine Ambassador to the United States, Romurdez, gave a speech on Wednesday in Washington, USA, saying that he had been in contact with the team of former US President Trump.The White House, the United States will continue its policy in the Indo -Pacific region.

Luo Murdez said: "Of course this is very pleased."

Romerdez believes that the most likely to detonate the conflict in the Indo -Pacific region is actually the Sea of ​​the West Philippines because there are "many frictions" there.The Philippines referred to the South China Sea exclusive economic zone west of the Philippines as the West Philippine Sea.

Luo Murdez said that the "aggression" faced by the Philippines is very real.However, he added that the Philippines hopes that China can see the value of continuous economic activities between the two countries and work hard to solve problems peacefully.

The Macco government expanded the United States to strengthen the defense cooperation agreement with the United States last March, so that the Philippine bases available in the United States increased from five to nine.And released a new cooperation guidance principle, which states that the armed forces of any party include the Coast Guard. If "facing threats or discovering signs of armed attacks, they can seek support from the other party."

Romerdez said that the South China Sea may be used to use the US -Philippine joint defense treaty because of a major incident, but he hopes that this situation will never happen.