U.SData released by Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) showed that the number of militia vessels in the South China Sea last year increased by 35%.

Bloomberg quoted a special report released by the AMTI website on Wednesday (February 28) that according to the satellite images of nine coral reefs and shallow beachs in the South China Sea, average 195 militia vessels were active in the waters per day.

Last summer, a large number of Chinese militia vessels appeared in Meiji Reefs with sovereignty disputes.According to observations, about 180 militia vessels gathered there from July last year.In addition to China, the Philippines and Vietnam are also the Scholars of the Meiji Reef sovereignty.

The above report said, "The data shows that Chinese militia are active as usual. In the previous peak, only 37 militia vessels gathered in Meiji Reef. The reason for the surging number is unknown today."

The report describes the on surface of Chinese militia vessels on commercial fishing activities. In fact, it is in a controversial waters with Chinese law enforcement units and military to achieve political goals.

In the exclusive economic waters of the Philippines at the Mergee Reef, it has been controlled by China in the past 30 years. Manila has accused Beijing of transforming Meiji Reef into a "military artificial island".The Philippines responded to the decaying Madereshan in the nearby Renai Reef in 1999 to respond.