The results of the samples of the Presidential election of Indonesia show that the National Defense Minister and the Da Indonesian Sports Party leader, Plaboor's voting rate is nearly 60%, and is almost determined to be elected. The scholars in the interviewed believed that the "Zoko effect" contributed.

Plaboor showed the image of "Zako successor" during the campaign, and repeatedly stated that once he was elected, Zako's government policy would be continued.Coupled with the eldest son of President Zako and Prabervo's campaign partner, Giblan to assist in attracting votes of Zokko supporters, this constitutes a significant advantage of Plaboor.

Charlotte Setijadi, assistant professor of Humanities at the School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University, pointed out that Plabovo could achieve an overwhelming victory in the United Morning Post, thanks to his support for him.Plaboor's campaign strategy -Choosing Giblan as a campaign partner, effectively convinced the voters of Koko that Plabovo is the heir of Zako and will continue the various projects and policies of the Zoko government.

"Zoko played the" king of the king "power, and we can expect that Zoko's political dynasty will continue, especially now his son Giblan will become vice president and younger son Kasan (Indonesia's unity party)Party chairman, son -in -law is the mayor of Mianlan City. "

However, Stariadi mentioned that after the election dust was settled, the three times after the president's throne finally got the wish, Plabovo, who would continue to be affected by Zako, or according to his own wishesIt is worthy of attention to exhibition and how the relationship between the two will develop after the two people will develop.

Plabowo successfully reshaped the image

In addition to the factors of Zoko, Plabovo is close to young voters through social media Tiktok, and its rich political experience, successful attracting young votes is also the key to his victory.Although the image of Plaboor in the past was not very good and even had human rights stains, for young voters, especially the 18 -year -olds, they did not know and did not care about the bad records of Plabowava.

Ambang Priyonggo, assistant professor of the School of Communication at Nugoshan Dala Multi -Media University, criticized that Indonesians still lack political literacy.He told Lianhe Zaobao: "Most of them are not rational voters. Among the young voters who did not realize that he had suspected human rights in the past, Plabowav did reshape his image."

Liu Minli, a senior researcher at the Estaifer Isaev Isa East South Asian Research Institute, and the Director of the Indonesian research project, believes that the campaign team will make Plabowo a campaign strategy of "Gemoy" grandfather's image."Coupled with many young people seeing themselves on Giblan ... they believe that Plaboopo and Gibland have made a promise of creating employment opportunities and promoting economic growth."

For another candidate Gandhar's fraud, the election fraud, Dzunuwanus Ghulam Manar, a lecturer at the School of Social Political and Political Science, Indhine, saidThere are follow -up progress."During the presidential election in 2019, there were also controversy in election fraud, but later the Constitutional court ruled that there was no evidence to prove these allegations."

Stadydi also said that if Plaboor's votes are very high in the end, these opposition waves will not set off too much storm."Plabovo is expected to win at least 57%of votes. Even his critics can be difficult to obtain objections to such results."