US State Department officials said Beijing should pay attention to North Korea's unstable behavior and exert its influence on it.

According to Bloomberg, Jung Pak, a senior official in charge of North Korea's affairs, said on Tuesday (February 13) that China should condemn North Korea and Russia to deepen cooperation, including the Russian army from North Korea to the Ukrainian battlefield.Provide behaviors such as ballistic missiles.

Park is saying in an interview: "North Korea's problem is not only a problem in the United States, but also in China. China has influence and responsibility to play a role."Deng and Chinese President Xi Jinping's San Francisco Summit in November last year will bring progress to the North Korean issue. Park Zheng believes that it is too early to conclude.

Bloomberg reported that Park Zheng's words reflected the disappointment of the United States for a long time that China failed to impact North Korea.

North Korea has recently issued tough remarks, including deleting the wording of "peace reunification and national unity" in the Constitution, and regards South Korea as "the number one enemy, forever enemy".North Korean leader Kim Jong -un also said that due to the hostile operations of enemies such as the United States, the risk of armed confrontation on the Korean Peninsula is rapidly becoming a reality.

In this regard, Park Zheng said that the United States did not see signs of direct military operations in North Korea, but kept vigilant about any potential actions.

In addition, he was asked if Kim Jong -un wanted to make his daughter a successor, and Park Zheng said that it is too early to conclude.

"Obviously, he wants his daughter to stand on the front desk," Park Zheng said that North Korean leaders have always been unpredictable, and things will happen unexpectedly.Symuncture.