In 2005, he first entered politics with the posture of the reformers, and completed the third -level jump from Mayor of Toron to President in less than 10 years.Zoko is a modern political legend in Indonesia. He has led the country for great steps in the past nine years and established his achievements and lofty reputation. However, in the last year of governing, he was questioned and stifled Indonesia's democracy that supported himself to achieve great careers.

Wednesday (February 14) is the Vote Day of the Indonesian Presidential Election. Nearly 2005 million voters will choose Zako's successor.The Zoko Times will also have a period when he steps down in October this year.Looking back at the past 10 years, the people interviewed in the Indonesian people generally affirmed his contribution and the style of affection.

Voter Licha (19 years old, employees of meat factories) told the United Zard reporter that when Zoko promoted the construction of light rails, subways, and high -speed rail, the Indonesian economy made progress under his leadership.Zoko attended the international stage and successfully hosted the Gwan Group Summit (G20) in the host gesture of the Emoon. It brightened the Indonesian signboard internationally, and also impressed Licha.

"I respect him very much, because he will listen to the people's feelings with your heart, and he is also loved by the people."

Moving the capital to East Gariman Province is a key project in Zako.Nearly 70 % of the first stage of the project has been completed, but the official plan to build 80 % of the construction fee for private enterprises and the rich government government to obtain sufficient foreign capital is still unknown.

Dian (38 years old), a laborer from the Bogor of Western Java, believes that it is only infrastructure construction that impressed Zoko's tenure, but the low -to -middle class was ignored.

"What our small citizen wants is to feel fair and peaceful, not just to build one or two cities ... The current infrastructure construction only benefits enterprises, and the people can not feel the direct impact."

Grassroots origin is a distinctive feature of Zoko.He was born in a poor and furniture shop business. In 2005, he entered politics as a political amateur and was elected as the mayor of Solo City. He was elected as the head of the Jakarta Special Administrative Region in 2012.He was elected president in 2014 and became a sign of the new Politics and democracy in Indonesia, and was even meticulously met by some Western media as "Indonesia Obama".

Zoko was successfully re -elected in 2019. The current leader's ruling alliance accounts for 82 % of the seats in the Indonesian House of Indonesia, providing a strong support for him to promote various construction projects.

Purworejo Voter Galu (37 years old, English teacher) said that in the impression, Zoko's motto is "work, work, work" (Kerja, Kerja, Kerja).The cabinet of Zoko's first term is called the "work cabinet", which is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the people.

Galu said that the transcripts surrendered in the past nine years were very dazzling."But I really disappointed him this year, because he managed to be a vice presidential candidate in order to make his son a candidate."

At the end of October last year, before the registration of the candidate of Zheng and Vice President, the Indonesian Constitution Court passed a controversial ruling and ruled that if he was a public office of 40 years, he would not be restricted by age.This is the 36 -year -old eldest son of Zako and the mayor of the Toron City, Giblan, to eliminate the obstacles of election. After Gibblan, he was as good as the outside world and partnered with the Minister of Defense Plaboor.The key vote in the ruling was the time when the chief judge of the Constitutional Court at the time.

Scholars: Most criticism is limited to the popularity of network space, Zako is still very high

This incident aroused the dissatisfaction of intellectuals and democrats. Zoko was accused of building his own political dynasty, and the controversy quickly occupied his sight in the election campaign.From the end of January to the beginning of February, some university professors have called on Zoko to maintain neutrality. There are also hundreds of college students on the street to demonstrate the same demands.However, these sounds are mainly concentrated in the elite.

Liu Minli, a senior researcher at the Easov Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said that the outside world does not think that Indonesia will stage protests similar to 1998 in 1998.Although some violence conflicts are not ruled out, most of the criticism of Zoko is still limited to network space.

"It is just a slight accusation of Zakko's light accusation or slightly damaged his reputation, and it is limited to politically liberals and academic and civil society groups. He is still a very popular president."

Liu Minli foresee that the dissatisfaction with Zako will always grow until he steps down in October.If Plabovo is elected, the dissatisfaction will continue.

Yanuar Nugroho, a senior researcher at the Indonesian Research Project of Yusov Isa Easa, said that because of the controversy of Gyblan's qualifications, if Plabovo wins, his governmentIt will also be in a moral crisis from the beginning, and companies will also question Indonesia's law enforcement capabilities.

"The greatest damage caused by Zoko is to kill democracy through democratic methods. As a leader born in the demands of reform, his reputation is obviously damaged."