After Suhado fell on the stage, the social status of Indonesian Chinese has improved, but every time in the election, the security situation still affects the sensitive nerves of the Chinese.Just a few years ago, the 2017 Jakarta Special Administrative Region Election and Presidential Election in 2019 both had candidates to play their identity political cards, causing tension between different groups.

On the first day of the New Year, Chinese Indonesian Chinese went to relatives and friends' houses to visit the New Year. There were topics that had never been talked about in previous years -the election.The severe Chinese exclusion incident 26 years ago was the past. Today, the Chinese of the Chinese no longer need to spend a lot of time, but the most easily operated identity and political topic during the election allows them to continue to be vigilant.

Before the Lunar New Year, festivals have appeared in the center of Jakarta, and Chinese settlements such as Chinata Street, Chinatown in the North District are lits, and the atmosphere of the New Year is strong.For the 71 -year -old retired person Zhang Shaolin, this year, as in previous years, he would eat reunion meals, appreciate fireworks, and send red envelopes to juniors.

The only difference is that Indonesia was held on Wednesday (February 14).Zhang Shaolin said that this adds a sense of tension, and everyone will pay attention to "whether there is some kind of forces or invisible black hands to start involvement in the election activities."

This concern is not imagined out of thin air.Like many older generations of Indonesians, Zhang Shaolin has experienced the unfair treatment of the "new order" regime in Suhado, and witnessed the landscape riots in 1998.

Although Suhado fell on the stage, the social status of the Chinese in Indonesia has improved, but every time the election is elected, the security situation still affects the sensitive nerves of the Chinese.Just a few years ago, the 2017 Jakarta Special Administrative Region Election and Presidential Election in 2019 both had candidates to play their identity political cards, causing tension between different groups.

This election is also hidden in unstable factors.On February 7, hundreds of college students went to the streets to demonstrate, asking President Zoko to maintain neutrality in the election.

After the 2019 Indonesian presidential election results were announced, the streets of Jakarta had a riots on the streets of Jakarta.(File photo)

When asked if the situation was worried about the situation, Zhang Shaolin said that if the election is unfair or fraud, there may still be a riots, and the Chinese News Agency will definitely be affected.

"In addition to improving their vigilance, paying more attention to the development of political situation, we must also avoid high -risk areas ... In case of riots, we must unite the power of the Chinese society to self -protect and protect the violence."

32 -year -old white -collar employee Su Shangna said: "So far, the situation still looks controlled, and we also look at it as positively as much as possible. However, when we are highly nervous, we will stay at home."

Liao Jianyu, a senior researcher at the Vesov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said that Indonesians who have historical memory are still worried about the 1998 Chinese discharge incident, and the younger generation has forgotten the past.

Whether there will be no turmoil in this election, Liao Jianyu believes that it is currently inaccurate, but Zoko seems to be prepared for this."The chief of the police and the commanders of the three armed forces are Zako's confidence. If there is no turmoil, the government will be targeted immediately."

Aimee Dawis, a lecturer of the Department of Communication of the Indonesian Chinese University of Social Political Sciences developed by the Indonesian Chinese University of Social Political Sciences, pointed out that overall, Jakarta residents are not worried about social order.During the New Year of the lunar calendar, everyone worshiped the New Year as usual, just to avoid the place where the rally was held.

"Actually we are quite light, because there are so many demonstrations, Jakarta residents may feel, 'Oh, but another demonstration' ... ... as long as it is not too serious, we are not worried."

On the day of the New Year's Eve, Jindeyuan, one of Jakarta's oldest temples, ushered in about 3,000 believers to pray for blessings.In addition to the military police and security personnel to maintain order, there was also a person in the uniform of the Election Supervision Committee.

The Jakarta Guyong Jindu Hospital ushered in the incense believers, and there were also military police to ensure the safety of the people.(Photo by Lan Yunzhou)

Temple staff member Hani said in an interview that close to the Lunar New Year and Election Vote Days, some people may worry about personal safety, but the official has also strengthened security guards accordingly.

Indonesian Chinese News Agency still retains the customs of eating reunion on New Year's Eve, and the custom of sending red envelopes in the New Year.In an interview with the Vice Chairman of the Confucius Federation of Indonesia: "Indonesia respects the diverse culture. As early as hundreds of years ago, the New Year's customs have become a rich tradition of Indonesia ... retaining the New Year tradition is an important to strengthening different ethnic groups in Indonesia.Measures. "

On the first day of the New Year, the Chinese News Agency, Indonesia, dancing the dragon on the street and welcoming the arrival of the dragon.(Agence France -Presse)

The campaign team of three presidential candidates all published New Year's congratulations on social media when the New Year of the Lunar New Year is, which shows the importance of Chinese votes.

Liao Jianyu said that Indonesian Chinese only account for about 2 % of the national population, and generally not enough to choose.However, in the case of the two groups of candidates' votes very close, Chinese votes can play an important role.

Indonesian Vice President Candidate, President Zoko Son Jiciblan (second from left and first), Zokko young son Kasan (second from right) and Minister of Defense PiraBovo's son Di Di (middle) attended the New Year celebration of the lunar calendar in Jakarta on the second day of the New Year.Giblan is a campaign partner in this presidential election.(Agence France -Presse)

Analysis: The next president must still rely on China economy

On the other hand, China, the largest trading partner in Indonesia, was rarely mentioned during the campaign.Among the three presidential candidates, Prabowo changed the approach of civil anti -China in 2019 with the help of civil anti -China emotions.The other two candidates Anis and Gander advocated reducing economic dependence on China.

Analysis pointed out that candidates have avoided Chinese -funded enterprises in Indonesia involving environmental destruction and mining safety issues, showing that the next president must still rely on China economy.

When talking about the support rate of three candidates in Indonesian Chinese voters, Liao Jianyu analyzed that the Chinese News Agency has a good opinion of Gandhar, and his appeal in the Chinese News Agency is the most.

Plabowavo has not only moved closer to the radicals, but also accused of being behind the scenes of the Chinese discharge incident in 1998. The older generation of Indonesians did not like him.

"But the Chinese againZako, who supports Plaboor, has a good opinion, so there is a contradiction in his heart."

As for Anis, because of his identity politics, his appeal to the Chinese News Agency is weak, but there are still a few Chinese support.

The voting orientation of the Su Shangna family reflects the above considerations to a certain extent.Her brother Su Shangtan (28 years old) tended to vote to vote for Plaboor, because he was worried that the Plaboor's defeat might have a demonstration or even a military coup; the mother Huang Xianhua (66 years old) was worried that Plaboopo, who was worried about the poor human rights record, would be elected., Indonesia will return to the old road of centralized rule.

Looking back at the wind and rain of the Chinese Society in Indonesia, Zhang Shaolin sent out: "I hope that the Indonesian election will be safe and smooth, no matter who is elected, there will be no more discharge incidents."