China Construction Corporation will invest in the Infrastructure project of up to 7 billion US dollars (following the same, S $ 9.4 billion) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as part of the Hualigang Mining Agreement in the Congo Congress.

According to Reuters, a statement issued by Chinese companies on Saturday (January 27) stated that the two parties agreed to maintain their current equity structure, and China Partners China Hydropower Construction Group Corporation and China Railway will be to the Congo each year to CongoPay 1.2%of the franchise fee.

Huagang Mining Co., Ltd. is a Chinese Enterprise Group and the Congo Government Corporation of the Congo (Gold) Mining Corporation composed of China Railway, China Electricity Construction and Zhejiang Huayou.The company, Chinese enterprises are responsible for financing and implemented the local infrastructure construction project.

China and Gang Guo signed a contract worth $ 6.2 billion in 2008, but the President of the Congo Qisekidi said the contract brought very little to the Congo, so it was promoted to reorganize the contract.

According to the initial agreement, Chinese investors agree to build roads and hospitals in exchange for 68%of joint ventures established with Gecamines, a state -owned mining company in the Congo.Chinese investors also promised to invest 3 billion US dollars in infrastructure projects, but the Financial Supervision Bureau of the National Audit Institution of the Congo last year requested that China will promise to increase to $ 20 billion.

Zesykidi instructed the Congo government to hold talks with investors before visiting China last May. The goal is to increase the shareholding of Congo in joint venture from 32%to 70%.

Jules Alingetete, head of the Financial Supervision Bureau of the Congo Congo, said at a press conference: "This is a win -win agreement." He added that the negotiation was not easy.

Congo is the largest cobalt production country in the world, and cobalt is the key component of electric vehicles and mobile phone batteries.Congo is also the third largest copper production country in the world, and its mining industry is mainly led by Chinese companies.