The United States said, the international court to Israel-HamasThe ruling of the war consistent with the point of view of Washington, that is, Israel has the right to take action based on international law to ensure that the attack on October 7 last year will not be repeated.

Reuters reported that the U.S. State Department spokesman said on Friday (January 26): "We still think (for Israel) the allegations of racial extinction have no basis, and noticed that the international court did not do racial extinction.The conclusion did not call for a ceasefire in the ruling, but required unconditionally to immediately release all the hostages detained by Hamas. Israeli complies with the United Nations Convention on Preventing and Punitting Extraordinary Genris to prevent racial extinction against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.Act, but No immediately stopped .The ceasefire is a request made by South Africa that initiated this lawsuit.

Israel must submit a report to the International Court within one month to explain specific measures taken to implement the international court's decision.

Hamas senior official Zuhery said that the ruling of the international court is an important progress, which helps isolated Israel and revealed it in the Gaza Strip.Ruling of the National Court "