Palestinians did not order Israel to stop Israel in the UN International Court.The military offensive operation of the Gaza Strip was disappointed, but they still regarded the lawsuit as a victory and inspired their hope of being held accountable.Hamas believes that the international court's ruling is an important progress.

Reuters reported that the United Nations International Court released a binding "temporary measure" in Hague on Friday (January 26), requiring Israel to abide by the United Nations Convention on the Convention on Extraordinary Sin of Extraordinary, Protects racial extinction of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip , but it is not required to stop fire immediately.The ceasefire is a request made by South Africa that initiated this lawsuit.

Hamas senior official Zuhri said in an interview that the international court's ruling is an important progress that helps isolated Israel and revealed its crime in the Gaza Strip.

Zuhery said: "We call on pressure to occupy the ruling of the national court."

Palestinian human rights activity person Ibrahim is disappointed by the international court's failure to stop the fire of Israel.EssenceHe said: "We are displaced, and many families lose their loved ones and homes. We all hope that the International Court ordered Israel to stop the fire immediately. Nevertheless, the ruling on Friday is still a victory."Ibrahim's family seven, now she lives in the refuge in Lafa, south of Feidi.

The judgment read out by the president of the International Court of International Court on Friday states that the catastrophic humanitarian situation is facing a serious risk of further deterioration. Israel must abide by the obligations stipulated by the United Nations to prevent and punish the convention of extinction race.Take all possible measures to prevent racial extinction against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The judgment says that Israel must ensure that its army does not implement any racial extinction acts, and at the same time take all possible measures to prevent and punish any implementation or incite the implementation of racial extinction.In addition, Israel must immediately take effective measures to provide the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip with urgent needed basic services and humanitarian assistance.

The judgment said that Israel must submit a report to the International Court within one month to explain specific measures taken to implement the international court judgment.

The International Court is the main judicial authority of the United Nations.According to the international court, the UN International Court has the right to release "temporary measures" when it considers the legal disputes to be submitted to it.

On October 7, 2023Since the outbreak, Israel's military operations in the Gaza Strip have caused about 26,000 Palestinian deaths and 64,000 injuries.The Israeli side said that more than 1,300 Israelis died in the conflict.