(Washington Comprehensive News) A Chinese student was tried on Monday (January 22) local time in the United States.EssenceComprehensive Reuters and VOA reported that Wu Xiaolei, who was studying at the Berodon Berkley Conservatory of Music, was tried in Boston on Monday.He was charged with two crimes, namely "crime of network tracking entanglement" and "crime of cross -state communication threat communication".Wu Xiaolei was arrested for the first time in December 2022, and he did not plead guilty to the two charges.According to the court documents, 25 -year -old Wu Xiaolei saw Zooey, who was also studying at the Berkeley Conservatory in 2022, after posting on Instagram, she began to threaten her online, claiming that she would cut her hands and cut off her hands, and she claimed that she would cut off her hands, and she cut off her hands, and and she cut off her hands, and and she cut off her hands, and she cut off her hands, and she cut off her hands, and she cut off her hands, and she cut off her hands, and she had cut off her hands, and her hands were cut off.Report her behavior to the Chinese government.The leaflets of Zoy's posts read "We want freedom", "we want democracy" and "stand with the Chinese people" and so on.American assistant prosecutor Porter told the federal jury that Wu Xiaolei threatened to Zoy, because the Chinese government did not allow Zoy's speech expression.Wu Xiaolei's lawyer said that Wu Xiaolei's remarks never threatened Zoy, but "two familiar young people quarreled between two familiar young people."The lawyer also said that Wu Xiaolei "not a Chinese government agent", but went to Boston to study jazz's "clumsy nerd".The trial of the case is expected to take a week.In the United States, if the two crimes involved in Wu Xiaolei are established, they can be sentenced to a maximum of five years in prison, release under three years of supervision, and a fine of up to $ 250,000 (S $ 335,000).