Israeli Prime Minister Neitanhu "completely rejected" the Palestinian radical organization Hamas as a condition for release hostages and in exchange for the end of this round of conflict.

彭博社报道,内坦亚胡星期天(1月21日)晚发表视频声明说,“哈马斯要求我们结束战争、从加沙地带撤军,以换取释放我们的人质。” 他说,哈马Sri Lanka also demanded release of terrorists who killed about 1,200 people on October 7 last year, and asked Hamas to continue.

Neutana said: "If we agree with these conditions, our soldiers will sacrifice in vain.

He said that Israel is obliged to fight for all hostages, but "the conditions proposed by Hamas highlight a simple point of view, that is, the victory is irreplaceable.Destroy and let all our hostages go home. "

He said that the Gaza Strip must achieve non -militaryization and place it under the "comprehensive security control" of Israel.He will not make compromises in "Israel's comprehensive security control of all territories west of Jordan."

The Health Department of the Palestintan Garha Strip said on Sunday that the new round of the new round on October 7 last year Since the outbreak of Harbin conflict , more than 25,000 Palestinians have died in the conflict in the Gaza Strip.The Israeli side said that the conflict caused more than 1,300 Israelis to die, and more than 100 people are still detained in the Gaza Strip.