(Jinshasa Bloomberg) Felix TashiseKedi, President of the Congo, said that China and Congo are discussing financing of $ 7 billion (about S $ 9.386 billion).This is part of the re -negotiated mineral exchange infrastructure agreement.

The President of the Congo President Zesykidi delivered the above conversation in the second president's inauguration speech on Saturday (January 20).

China and Gang Guo signed a contract worth 6.2 billion US dollars in 2008, but Zissekidi said that the contract brought very little to the Congo, so it was promoted to reorganize the contract.

The initial agreement promised to invest $ 3 billion in infrastructure projects, and the funds came from copper cobalt mines called Sicomines.However, the Congo government said that although the copper cobalt mine has been operating for many years, the development funds allocated are not one -third of the promise.

Zesykidi said that the SICOMINES project will be re -negotiated and receive $ 7 billion in financing, which will provide funds for new infrastructure projects.

The Congo is the second largest country in Africa, with rich mineral resources, including important green energy metals such as copper and cobalt.China is the largest trading partner in the Congo to date, and most of the minerals are processed in China.