Yewen Husham) He said that several missiles "Ocean Jazz", a US military cargo ship driving in Aden Bay, fired several missiles and hit the freighter, but the US military refuted.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and Reuters report that public information shows that the Ocean Jazz is a major transport ship hanging on the US flag.According to information released by the US Department of Defense, the Marine Jazz was contracted by the US military in 2017 to transport and load and unload large military equipment for the US Navy.

The Hussean armed spokesman Salea issued a statement saying that the Hussean armed forces will continue to attack the ships associated with Israel on the Red Sea route until Israel stopped the Gaza Strip war and lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip to block the Gaza Strip.Essence

The Houthi armed forces did not explain the specific time to attack the Marine Jazz in the statement.

The US Navy Central Command issued a statement on Monday saying: "Reports on the successful attack of the Marine Jazz, which is supported by Iran's support, is obviously wrong."

StatementIt is said that the Marine Jazz has always been in contact with the US Navy's Central Command during the entire safety transportation process.

Since the new round of conflicts broke out in Hamas, Israel and Palestine's aggressive organizations in October last year, the Houthi armed forces have repeatedly used drones and missiles to attack the targets of red seawater.The United States and the United Kingdom launched an air strike on the Hascean armed targets on Yemen on January 12, exacerbating the risk of overflowing the Harbin War.