Due to the large fluctuations in transactions in the secondary market, China Fund Management Company Yi Fangda issued an announcement.

According to the announcement issued by the E Fund Fund on Tuesday, recently, E Fund's MSCI MSCI MSCI 50 ES Securities Investment Fund (US50ETF) secondary market transaction price has fluctuated greatly.

The closing price of the above fund on Monday (22nd) in the secondary market was 1.169 yuan (S $ 0.22), and the price rose to 1.286 yuan on Tuesday, an increase of 10.03%.

Announcement reminds investors to pay attention to the risk of premium premium in the secondary market transaction price. If it is blindly investing, it may suffer major losses.

Announcement stated that in order to protect the interests of the fund holder, the above -mentioned funds will be suspended from the market from January 23, 2024 to 10:30 that day.

After the Shanghai Index fell more than 2800 points on Monday, it continued to fall on Tuesday.The American S & P 500 Index and the Dow Jones Index jumped into a record high last Friday (19th), and the Nasdaq Index also showed the best level in two years.