According to Agence France -Presse reported on January 21, the Governor of Florida Ron De Santis announced on the 21st that he would abandon his campaign on the 21st and would unite behind Trump to prepare for NovemberPresidential election.For a long time before, Desandis has been regarded as the main opponent of Trump's return to the White House in the Republican Party.

De Santis withdrew from the election, allowing former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Heili, became Trump's last obstacle before the Republican presidential candidate.

It is reported that in a video on the social platform X, De Sanis said: "I cancel my campaign today. I think it is obvious that most Republican voters want to give Donald again.Trump's chance "

In the preliminary selection of the Republican Party in Aiwa, De Santis ranked second, but with a 21%votes far lower than Trump's 51%.The 45 -year -old Governor of Florida said in the video: "I have too many differences with Trump. For example, on the issue of treating the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, but Trump is better than Qiao Biden, who is going to step down, this isObviously, "

According to the Associated Press reported on the 21st, after De Santis announced his withdrawal from his election, Trump praised him on the evening of the 21st and put the fierce contradiction between the two in the previous campaign.

Trump said in a campaign rally in New Hampshire: "I just want to thank Ron (· De Santis) and congratulate him for his extraordinary work. He is very humble and supports me., Looking forward to the cooperation with Ron. "

Trump also describes De Santis as "a great person."

Trump is cautious about the support of De Santis.He said, "I will tell you that this is not easy. They think it is easy to do this, right? But this is not easy."

Two days later, New Hampshire will hold a primary election of the Republican Party. Nikki Heili, who ranks third (19%) in the Elych preliminary election, may benefit from the support of many independent voters in the state.(Compiled/Lu Long Army)