According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, the market value of the US stock market is currently more than $ 38 trillion (S $ 5.9 trillion) compared with the market value of mainland China and the Hong Kong stock market, setting a new record.

According to Bloomberg News on Tuesday (January 23), Michael Liang, chief investment officer of Bond Asset Management (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., said: "The Chinese market is valuable, but the catalyst does not exist."The US market has motivation and economic advantages.

It is reported that compared with the peak in February 2021, the market value of China's stock market has lost more than $ 6.3 trillion.During the same period, the US stock market rose about $ 5.3 trillion.

Bloomberg strategist, including Kumar Gautam, wrote in a report that although China's adjustment seems to be overwhelming, the simulation shows that "this pain may continue to continue"" ".They estimate that the MSCI China Index is likely to be less than the peak value of 51%, which lasts for 35 months.

However, in view of the current valuation of the Chinese stock market, some investors have seen the potential of technical rebound.According to the data compiled by Bloomberg, according to the profit valuation, the Chinese plunge has made the MSCI China index 60%cheaper than the U.S. stock benchmark.

After the Shanghai Index fell at 2800 points on Monday, the market opened on Tuesday (January 23) to continue to fall.In contrast, the US stock market has continued to rise in the near future.

The American S & P 500 Index and the Dow Jones Index last Friday (19th) jumped into a record high, and the Nasdaq index also showed the best level in two years.