(Shenzhen Comprehensive News) Chinese media reported that China Evergrande's Chinese -funded US dollar bonds were cut off during the Chinese National Day holiday. Evergrande Real Estate has involved due debts that have not been settled at the end of August this year.Yuan (RMB, the same below, about 5.2463 billion yuan).

The Financial Association reported on Saturday (October 7) that the third -party platform's long -term financial data shows that the price of Nine Chinese US dollar bonds still in circulating transactions in China is 2.2 to 2.4 US dollars (about 3 to 3.2 new.Yuan) falls by about 50%from September 27.

Previously, China Evergrande announced on September 28. As of the end of August 2023, the main affiliated company Evergrande Real Estate involved a cumulative due debt that failed to settle for about 278.532 billion yuan, and overdue business tickets were about 206.777 billion yuan.A total of 1,946 cases of less than 30 million yuan were decided, and the total amount of targets was about 449.298 billion yuan.

Wind data shows that there are currently 13 RMB bonds that Evergrande Real Estate Group still have, involving a amount of 51.363 billion yuan.Two duration of US dollar bonds involved a amount of RMB 18.648 billion.

Evergrande said on September 24 that because the regulatory authorities are investigating Evergrande Real Estate, Evergrande cannot meet the qualifications to issue new bills, which also means that Evergrande's offshore debt reorganization plan proposed in March this year this yearIn trouble.