In response to the US Department of Commerce to include some Chinese enterprises in the export control list on the grounds of involving Russia, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce responded that the US approach was to generalize national security and abuse export control measures.

The US Department of Commerce reported on Friday (October 6) that 42 Chinese companies that supported the Russian military were included in the export control "physical list". These Chinese companies were accused of supporting Russia's military and defense industry.Base, including integrated circuits native to the United States.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce of China on Saturday (7th) On the official website, some Chinese entities were included in the "entity list" of the "entity list" on the official website of the US Business Department.

The spokesman said that in a short time, the United States once again included some Chinese enterprises in the export control "physical list" on the grounds of Russia.The United States's generalized national security, abuse of export control measures, and implementing unilateral sanctions and "long -arm jurisdictions" for Chinese companies are economic coercion and unilateral dominance. China has resolutely opposed it.

The spokesman said that the United States should immediately correct the wrong approach and stop being unreasonable for Chinese companies.China will take all necessary measures to resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises.

On September 25, the US government included 11 Chinese companies and five Russian companies on the trade restriction list, because some of them provided UAV components for Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Commerce of China responded to relevant issues on September 27 that it resolutely opposed the US practices. The U.S. uses national power to crack down on other countries and individuals.It is unreasonable to Chinese enterprises and individuals, and emphasizes that it will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises and individuals.