US President Bayiden Saturday (October 7)It is said that the United States has prepared to provide "all appropriate support methods" for Israel.

Reuters reported that Bayeng issued a statement after talking with Israel's Prime Minister Neitahu on the same day, "I stated to Prime Minister Neiahu that we are ready to provide everything for the Israeli government and the people at any time to provide everything for the Israeli government and the peopleProper support means. "

" Israel has the right to defend itself and its people. The United States warns that all parties to Israel will not try to profit in this situation. "

PalestinestanThe radical organization Hamas launched the largest attack on Israel for many years on Saturday.Dead 985 injury .The Israeli Prime Minister Natanho vowed to fight back, and announced that Israel is currently in the state of war.A>.

The Israeli Army revealed that 12 hours after Hamas attacked Israel, the battle in 22 regions in southern Israel continued."In southern Israel, there is no community without our troops."

Military spokesperson also confirmed that in the two towns of Ofakim and Beeri, the hostages crisis stillContinue."Special forces and senior commanders are deployed there, and actual combat is in progress."

Palestinian health officials said that Israel's air strike has killed 198 people, and at least 1610 people were injured.